Rezekne municipality and city pupils learn technology at international camp in Slovenia
At the end of September, a group of 27 people from Rezekne municipality and cities went to Slovenia to participate in an international project. From 27 September to 1 October in Slovenia, next to the city of Maribor, the “Network of Technology INTEGRAtionists in Pupils' Informal Education” camp was held in the village of Kungota. The organisers of the camp – the Slovenian training institution Academia Družba za storitve d.o.o., in collaboration with the Kungota primary school, provided guests – the Estonian Hademeeste High Schools (Häädemeeste Keskkool), the Lithuanian Kupiper P.Matulionis progymnasium, the National Centre for the Comprehensive Development of the Children and Youth (Vaikų is the newimo visapusiško lavinimo centre), the Latvian parents' association “angels with us”, the Latvian parents' creative service centre “Zeimuļs” and the Rezekne municipality council - children and educators, several day creative activities.
The camp was held at the Kungota School (Osnovna shola Kungota). As part of the camp, children from 10 to 18 years of age worked with robots purchased under the project, learning to participate. The school director, Zdenka Keuc, told about the school - a 400 children, the pre-school group is visited by 160 children, the school is provided by 94 employees: “we are a small school far from the centre, so small schools are hard to get into international projects. We are therefore very pleased with this unique opportunity - to take representatives from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia so that our children can operate in intergovernmental teams'.
The camp started with a solemn ceremony, the school choir gave the concert, and the pupils introduced their country, traditions and symbols. Thereafter, all participants – 52 representatives from Baltic States and households – were divided into teams to learn and share knowledge about robots and technologies.
The municipality of Rēzekne and the city were represented BY Nautrēnu, Maltas, Viļānu secondary schools, Vera primary schools, Rezekne primary schools, Rezekne State 1 st Gymnasia pupils, ARPC “Zeimuļs”, association “angels with us” students and teachers. A much vivid impression on camp is Nautrēnu for high school pupil Gustav Valdemir Grinam: “we were welcome to the master school of the Kungota and in the guest house“ Center Sonček Vrtiče ”. The trip programme was not just a training, but a trip to Maribor and Roglu. During the excursion, we visited the“ Noordung ”space centre, where our country president, Egils Levits, had visited for a couple of hours. There was also time for sporting activities and friendly negotiations with Slovenians, Estonian and Lithuanian. Each of us got new knowledge, friends, impressions, experience, ideas. 'He also enjoyed THE experience OF Maltas high school student Edward Schtekel:“ The journey to Slovenia was just wonderful. I enjoyed the colossal atmosphere, the Slovenian hospitality, the high mountains and interesting educational robes. Every minute of travel was spent. I hope that the experience gained will be helpful in my future life.'
The aim of the project is to learn how to integrate robotics and technologies not only in physics or mathematics but also in foreign languages, art and work with special children. As part of this, the project partners acquire robots that can be used in the training process. In order to better learn the opportunities offered by robot, they work with the students themselves. The next camp is planned in mid-February in Lithuania, Kupilos, in March will be activities in Hademeeste, Estonia. At the end of the project, all the children and teachers involved in the project will come to Rezekne municipality. The project manager Inta Rimšāne acknowledges: “I am glad that the Rēzekne municipality and the city teachers enjoy the idea of the project that they are willing to learn and offer their masters at local and international level.”
Project member Diana Selecka
Eduarda Medvedev photo