Cycle OF thematic events of social sciences Maltas in special boarding primary school



Maltas special boarding primary school teachers and learners' parents consider one of the school's strengths to be that students wishing to continue learning can do so at the same educational institution and learn the 1 st level vocational primary education. Quality, diverse and useful information on the choice of different educational programmes as well as information on the labour market is available in the educational institution. Special value is devoted to professions that can be learned at our school. The activities included in the work plan of the school year, focusing on career-making, aim at increasing the interest of pupils in the field of future education and occupation. From 16 April to 20 April, a week of social sciences took place AT Maltas special boarding school, the “education and career” cycle of open learning hours.
As part of the event, a training excursion was held on 16 April at the SIA “JATA” Maltas branch. Students of classes 8b and 9b, together with the teacher, Tjarvi-Golubev, met the professions of sewing professions and work. The pupils watched with interest as they worked on the work and could see the production they produced. It was amazed that the stitches were working so fast and they could do so much in such a short time as well as the quality of their work. It was interesting to look at the various kinds of sewing machines and the equipment they worked with. By visiting the company, students expanded their vision, their knowledge.
On 17 April, we visited an open-hour primary school called “the world of professions”. In the form of games, primary school students met the qualities of cook, sewing and carpenter professions. An improvised painting gallery was organized in the classroom. Each painting showed representatives of different professions. In the direction of the teacher Alexander Kadakovsk, the children dreamed of their future profession, dreaming of the life of the future. During the game, students tried to model modern modern clothing, build their dream house using unusual material – pasta. The future cook was fun to create a map of food.
On 18 April, the trainees took over classes 8a and 9 a.b. with Victoria Dervanov. Since almost the entire class has expressed willingness to learn the profession “cook assistant” in our school, an hour's theme “how to become a cook?” had been chosen long ago. It was only to help pupils raise awareness of the relationship between education, occupation and employment. A variety of learning techniques and methods, the use of meaningful information and communication technologies (ICT) tools and practical work have been used to achieve this objective. Everything took place in real time and closely related to our daily life. The pupils watched the “Italian food” video of a very interesting Riga Technical College student Karl August, then surveyed the work duties of the cook assistant, work equipment, working conditions and opportunities, strengthening this knowledge with practical work and comparing the importance of these information after THE TV show, where Sefcook Maris Astics says how he became one of the best chefs and how important it is to learn exactly in the profession you love.
The pupils had the opportunity to find themselves in the home of Rezekne's home on the job vacancies where they found three jobs that offer to work as a cook assistant! A teacher Tatjana Surgante's video call was created for the surprise of the pupils - the next year to learn the profession “cook assistant.” The teacher Martin Jasko offered an attractive, creative and exciting game where each team had to wear the aprons and hats of the cook quickly and properly. The lesson ran very quickly, but the pupils were inspired and determined to continue their lessons at our school.
In the context of “education and career”, students of classes 5, 6, 7a were given the opportunity to strengthen existing knowledge of the profession of carpenter assistant. The children drew, painted, searched for hidden carpenter work tools in puzzle, thought, dealt with the problems, expressed their thoughts on the profession of carpenter, not only by developing mutual cooperation skills and skills, but also by deepening existing knowledge of the profession of carpenter. It was an opportunity to explore, with his hands, to get the tools of a carpenter, to learn and learn their names, and to feel the role of a new carpenter.
In the past, the professions of the carpenter were mostly chosen by those guys who didn't really know what they wanted to do, but they had to learn. The real occupation of the carpenter was because it really seemed interesting and binding. Over time, much has changed: these professions are very demanding in the labour market and not only boys, but also girls.
Maltas, in the framework of vocational education of the special boarding school, offers young people not only the profession of carpenter assistant but also a cook assistant and auxiliary seamen speciality. So if you have a desire to learn and learn from one of these professions and get a level 1 vocational education, and do not want to go far from home, welcome TO Maltas at the special boarding school! Two years later, you will be able to be full, competitive professionals in your field. The learning of professions gives people new opportunities, new ways of revelation. The profession makes it possible to feel necessary, to be confident and pleased with the work done.
On the question of the choice of professions, the pupils will return many times. The question of the choice of profession is not to be discussed in one day. We'll come back again and after reading books, watching movies and discussing.
Teachers: Alexandra Kadakovsky, Victoria Dervanova, Martin Bukovsky, vija Tjarve-Golubeva
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