The fountains celebrated Methday



Big and small fountains gathered together in the afternoon of 13 February to spend winter with songs, toy, winter sporting activities, warm tea, and spiritual pancakes.
A straw doll, which was burned in a fire at the end of the event, was first prepared in the area at the school sports hall. In addition to the straw doll, all the bad and negative, who had lived in people's minds and hearts through the grey winter.
Since Methday is also the last time to go into the bunches, many of the participants in the event were dressed in masks to maintain gambling and fun all the time.
Snow and cool weather had been created for winter sporting activities. The smaller team competitions had to bring the ball to the Meter broom, the larger rests struggling to cut the fur to the other, and then run to the target, and, returning back, the equipment (fur) was handed over to the next member. I had to pick up the plastic glasses on the square with written letters and then create a name. The winners were on sweet prizes.
There was no mutual pickup, snowfall, and super-fast shuffling and driving from a nearby mountain with raguins, “apples” and other suitable trucks.
Both kindergarten students and their parents, pupils and nurses, and all the others present, were dancing in a fun playdance in the amateur performance of the Cultural Cultural House.
In conclusion, all the participants were respected with delicious sweet pancakes and hot tea. Spring waiting time has begun. Let it all be active, filled and positive!
Leocadia Razgale,
Head of the Cyrus Cultural House
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