7 tips to become good parents



Momma, Dad and children psychologists share your secrets, how to raise happy and self-confident children.
1. How often can i contact?
To feel myself with a child “on one wave”, always be a matter of course in the life of a child, the main condition for “good parents.” I think when you know everything about your baby, but suddenly he's “throwing something completely new.” Children grow very fast, that means that you always have to be very careful and ready for unexpected turns. When you listen to a funeral, you must talk to him, how with adult, you teach the child to keep a conversation properly at the same time. Do not forget to praise him in time for the words' please 'and' thank you ', or stop apprentices and coarse. Of_course, your promises can't go on 24 hours a day, but it's important that he knows it. In the morning, when everyone hurries, the child tries to tell you something, apologize, and promise that you will listen to him in the evening. You must return to the postponed conversation – it will make the child believe that he is really important to you. Be careful and patient listener, so that your baby will continue to trust you. By the way, parents often complain that children don't want to contact them.
2. Be strict, but understanding.
Children love exaggerating. The regime, imposing restrictions on giving them a sense of order and security in the world. Strict rules, help avoid conflicts and punishment. If your baby kisses you easily, you don't need to comfort yourself, that he's still a little boy and doesn't know what he is doing. Each time, patiently lift his hand and say that it should not be done. And if he does, go, take it to another room. Do not forget, explain to the child why it is necessary to do so, but not otherwise.
3. Show your love as much as possible.
Emotional public education is more important than monitoring. When a child knows that Momma and Daddy love her despite nothing, he doesn't feel afraid when you're angry. Try more to talk to your baby something good, praise if he has covered his bed without a reminder, allow him to play as a prize with the computer for 15 minutes. The child will understand that he is appreciated as a good behavior, and if he is angry, then the case. Remember, always in your “no” or “not” can call a stress condition.
As much as possible, support his interests, but do not forget his own.
The athletic parents force their lovers to do sport, calling him nervousness and tension. Allow the child to do what he really is interested in. That will show you your respect for his abilities and make it clear that you accept the child as he is.
4. Show flexibility.
Show flexibility: and remember that every law can be circumvented. Be sure to explain to the child why you changed your decision and refused the normal mode. For example, “you know you're going to go to 20.00, but grandfather and grandmother came to us today, so you can be a little late.” You will teach your child to be firm with the decision or other problems. This will help him to adapt further to the changes without losing respect for laws and prohibitions.
If the child is hysterical from time to time, the unwillingness to go to bed is shown, which means that it is necessary to change time for sleep. Be patient and continue to exist on your own.
5. Be informed.
Good parents were instinctively to find the right decision. Therefore, there should be as much information as possible about the needs and abilities of the child at each particular age. The uninformed parents almost always do not appreciate their child and often enjoy disappointment. Fortunately, literature about raising a child is available today. So how to live the knowledge!
6. Give yourself the right to rest.
Care for children requires a lot of physical, emotional strength. Of course, love for a child can survive everything, but if the baby sees what you're going to pay, what you're awake and nervous, he'll think, “Mom is very tired and that's all because of me.” If you give yourself time to rest and enjoy it, the child will understand that others have their own demands and respect them. Once again, you need a little rest to make yourself feel “good parents” again. Just say, “I'm tired now and i want to sleep 15 min.” Be sure that the baby will understand.
7. Keep faith in yourself.
If you firmly stick to the above rules, you will soon find positive results. You'll feel yourself, like good parents. The child will always be sure that Mom and Dad always know how to do better!
Learn from your mistakes.
'I hit my 4-year-old child on the face,' remembers Mom, 'and i'm sorry. My baby seemed to forgive me. Now he's six, but i still have a shame to remember.'
We always get off from time to time. When we ask for forgiveness, the child must forget it very easily and quickly. But we think about it for a long time.
To make yourself unfolded, remember the following:
“You'll have a chance.” If a child has once committed an infringement, then it means that he will do it again and will never be able to respond correctly.
- with one or more errors, the relationship between you and the child must not be damaged.
“I'll tell her about the towel on the floor, you'll be praised for some time that he shared with his friend and helped to get the table.”
In these difficult moments you think you're not going, but be sure if you love your child, take care of him, then he also knows it and loves you. But the rest is everyday details.
Material from Internet resources
Prepared by E.Opincane

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