Implementation OF THE Gaigalavas youth initiative project “break barrier!”!


For young people

On July 30-31, at Luban Lake, at the centre of the watercourse (UTC) “lighthouse”, THE youth initiative project “enjoy barrier!” carried out by THE Gaigalavas Youth Centre (JC) activists took place, which included not only domestic organisers but also young people from Shergans, Ilzeskalna, Ozolaines, Čornajas and Dricāniem, in total 28 young people aged 16-25.
The first day of the project went through familiarisation and friendship-friendly games (using both the toys and THE more accessible outdoor sports equipment elements), as well as creative work in an atmosphere of active work, as young people were not only supposed to be moaning, but also trying to “break up barriers”, exchange views and experience. This was done with the participation of the current challenges in the debate (e.g. “how to involve young people in the event of events?”, “which should be at the heart of young people, so that young people spend their free time there?”, “today, young people are given a lot of opportunities, but they do not understand them...”, “how to encourage the intercommunication of young people?”), coming to the conclusion that the use of the Internet in both computers and telephones should be restricted, and the leaders of young people with whom the contacts of twinning could be established and a positive change should be sought. By creating collegations for the centre or parish of their youth, each young man could learn from another point of view the distances surrounding him and not such long neighbours. The day ended with an orientation competition, introducing THE “lighthouse” neighborhood, and a fantastic dance evening.
The second day of the project was dedicated to strengthening the already established contacts, the urgent peaceful mutual communication in selected formats, the common boiling of delicious fish soup, as well as the reflection and summary of the project. The young people acknowledged the fact that the project had succeeded in ensuring that the following measures were taken and each of them “broken a barrier” – open to the communication, overcome the insecurity, the timidity, the perpetuity of the audience, the idea of formulating and expressing their thoughts, changing judgments on Latvians and Russian-speaking people, practising in the team and pairs, where each has their own duties, “climbed out” outside of their comfort zone.
Thank you very much for the project of the youth initiative of Rezekne, THE “lighthouse” administration and the Z/S “Krosle” for the services provided and support for the implementation of this project.
Gaigalavas youth centre “enjoy” collective
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