Basic principles of good education



  1. Listen to your children!
    Be available. Spend time to listen to what is the most important thing in the life of a child, even though you think it's just a man.
  2. Show me that you love them!
    Even if you are not a person who physically shows love, there are good ways to show you are happy to be with a child. Ask for their attention. Pay attention to small things.
  3. Spend time together!
    Write five things you'd like to do with your children. So do it. Play the game. Listen to music. Prepare to eat. Kopiet's house. Or just go for a walk. The most important thing is … to do so together.
  4. Give me an example.
    “Look at my words, don't look at my works”, the approach is never effective. Your example will be a much bigger impression on a child than the words said. Children often say that they don't see the difference between getting a job and that they're using drugs after school.
  5. Anyone can make a mistake!
    Children will make mistakes and also you. When you're wrong, admit it. And apologize. When children are mistaken, help them find ways to keep going.
  6. You're not perfect.
    So admit it! Let your child know that you were once a child. Tell me about how you deal with similar situations - even when you did wrong choices.
  7. Plug in the “boundaries” and follow them!
    Do your children know your requirements. Then give the children freedom within these boundaries. But be sure they understand the rules and consequences if they are not respected. Do not change the requirements without justification.
  8. Avoid blaming and digging in the past!
    Focus on how you can solve this problem at this point and how to do better tomorrow. The past is a history. Leave it behind.
  9. Do not beat and call your children!
    Violence hurts. It teaches children that violence and calling are ways to solve problems. The victims of violence will be afraid of their parents, but they will never hate them.
  10. Discuss problems. Do not deny them!
    Do not fool yourself that the problem does not exist or will solve itself. That's not going to happen. You must call a problem to resolve it.
  11. Say 'please' and 'thank you'!
    These two words make children feel that they are being respected. We must give it to us, so that we can get it too.
  12. Keep trying!
    When you start every day, rebuild your commitment to further evaluate your children, showing them love and assessing the time spent together. On the day you realize they're no longer children who don't understand anything because they're children, you'll be happy to notice all the above. We'll be patient and interested adults!
    (materials prepared from Internet resources)

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