Concerts of THE XI International Acordeonist plenary session “Rezekne 2014” will be held in parish

During the eleventh year International Acordeonist Plenary, both new and experienced acordeonists will learn an interesting concert program within 10 days. This time, the plenary session takes place in Lendes and includes acordeonists from Zanes Ludborge's music school, Saint Petersburg and Tambova, who will play both traditional acordeonic and Saint Petersburg's cultural and artistic university professor Nicholas Kravcova's invented instrument known as the 21 st century acordeone.
The musical works specially prepared for concerts will be offered by three conductors: the Kuhmo Conservatorial instructor, the United Finnish-Carelian symphonic orchestra conductor, the acordeonist Jukka-Pekka Kuusela, the rector of the Rahmaņinova Tambova country music pedagogy institute, the pedagogical scientists candidate, the acordeonist, the international competition laureate, the wealthy Russian Federation artist, the composer Roman Bažilin, as well as the initiator, the organizer and the leader of the plenary, the director of the first private music school, the Director of the first private music school, the Director of the Rēzekne instrumental ensemble “Excelsus”.
- Tuesday, July 29 at 16.00 – Nagļu parish in the cultural house;
- Wednesday 30 July at 16.00 – Fr. In the tradog museum “Colnasate”, Sakstagala parish;
- Thursday 31 July at 19.00 – Dricānu in the parish cultural house;
- Friday, August 1 at 18.00 – Maltas in the parish cultural house;
- Saturday, August 2 at 18.00 – Lendžu in the parish cultural house.
The entrance to the concerts is free.
Final concert – on 3 August at 17.00 concert hall “Gore” in the big hall. Entrance: 7 – 10 EUR.