Pensioners' party in Audiros

“You'll show the Polarstar ziba” – it could be said about a event that is traditionally HELD on 14 January in the rural community OF Audriņu, bringing parish pensioners to the old new year. The tree was still gleaming in the festival. The Self-Employees of the Cultural House and Audriņu primary school pupils called for older people to go to fantasy land.
People are physically ageing, but most of them have a new soul. And, together, you can make a little dream, feel a kindly shoulder, and open a fantasy to the world.
In the central area at the parish cultural house this year, the snowman family stands proudly on the island – dad with Mom and healthy five snowmen. A live Snowman who had felt a local storyteller, a singer and an active theatre member, Trifina Ovchinnikova, had been waiting for pensioners.
In the first part of the concert, composed OF Audriņu primary school pupils, the assistants came to Bazilio and fox Alice. In the second part of the concert, the Self-Employers of the Cultural House took parish pensioners to the kingdom of the cold snow Queen, with him slowly passing through various countries and convinced that none of them would be forgotten to wait for the new year. In each country, the coming of a new year, songs and dances are so different. There is something to listen to and look at! The dance of the peoples of the world was shown by Inna Sealgicka, and it was something to wonder.
At the end of the concert, each participant, expressing its wishes in the new year, conquered the New Year's decoration. The pensioners were also welcomed BY Aleksandrs Bindemanis, head of the parish administration OF Audriņu. The most pleasure of the pensioners was the songs and musicums of Zemgale.
Tamara Smirnova
Audriņu parish cultural house manager