Calls on Jura's daily fairs in Rogovka
The parish of Nautrenes is rich in various traditions and events. One of these is the fairs that take place in spring and autumn. In the spring it is the day of the Yura Day, and the autumn is Smotra.
After a few years of pause, due to COVID-19 restrictions, on 24 April, on 24 April. 8:00 rogovos are once again expected to buy and sell the intent. Children will have a chance to go with a pony at a time. 10:00, as well as market visitors at 11:00 is expected to be a musical surprise.
We call on domestic producers, craftsmen and sellers to sell to the market. Applications for trade are expected until 21 April 2022, submitting a completed submission. A natural person who has not registered his or her economic activity shall submit a certificate. Submission and attestation are available on the website of Rezekne municipality . To submit the necessary documents by e-mail - money training - pag or personally in the Nautrene parish administration at the node (address: “Last house”, Rogovka, Nautrenes civil parish, Rezekne municipality). Time of acceptance every working day from 8:00 – 16:30.
In case of confusion, contact with the node – 64628805 or Nautrene parish cultural events organizer Ingu Viguli – mob. 28335357.