Calls for companies to compete in the “Latgale business annual prize 2020”


Business News

In autumn of this year, the Latgale Planning Region (LPR) Latgale Business Centre (LUC), with the support of THE BR Development Council, organises the competition “Latgale region entrepreneurs annual prize 2020”.

The aim of the competition is to identify and honor entrepreneurs of Latgale planning region who are active and honest in their sector, contributing to the development of the business environment in Latgale region. The competition will also contribute to the visibility of entrepreneurs in Latgale planning region by promoting examples of good business practices in Latgale.

This year, the competition intends to honour companies in 6 nominations:

ANNUAL ARTISANAL/DOMESTIC PRODUCER – a businessman operating in Latgale region. The value created by the service provider contributes to the visibility of the region and the promotion of the skills of the positions. A domestic producer who uses self-produced or self-grown production, local resources, uses innovative approaches, solutions.

THE NEW TOURISM SERVICE PROVIDER – a businessman operating in Latgale region who has provided quality tourism services has contributed to the development of the tourism sector in the region, the region's visibility in the world. Commenced activities in the provision of tourism services not earlier than 3 years prior to the announcement of the competition.

A SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE ENTERPRISE – a businessman who has achieved the best results in the previous accounting period in collaboration with local governments of Latgale region, their institutions or other organisations (for example: mutual co-operation, partnership in projects, charities and other forms of cooperation), as well as with their activities, the activities contributed to the visibility of Latgale in Latvia and the world.

ANNUAL INNOVATION: a company registered and operating in the territory of Latgale has created a new knowledge-based product or service, thereby benefiting from competitive advantages or access to new markets.

THE NEW MERCHANT, a new entrepreneur registered and active in the territory of Latgale region, has started operations not earlier than 3 years before the announcement of the competition and has reached the best results among young entrepreneurs during the previous reporting period.

LAST YEAR OF THE YEAR IN LATGALE – a businessman who has returned from abroad not earlier than 5 years prior to the announcement of the competition, after long absence (at least 3 years have been abroad, attested by the following documents – employment contract, wage extracts, company registration certificate, rental contract, land book certificate, etc.) In Latgale region and has begun economic activity. Provide a product or service required for market requirements.

The right to nominate candidates for the competition “Latgale entrepreneurs annual prize 2020” shall be for any citizen, organisation, company collector, merchant, association, institution and local government.

The invitation to tender will be held for the sixth year and also the invitation to tender issued this year ( stipulates that the winners of the previous years may not apply for their participation in the same nomination of the competition.

“This competition gives us – municipalities, the region better acquainted with their entrepreneurs – especially in nominations such as the year's new tourism service provider, the year's new merchant, the year's most successful remigrant in Latgale. I have often heard feedback on employers who provide not only adequate remuneration to their employees but also provide additional support outside employment relationships – in health care, training of employees, the organisation of leisure events – much more as the labour legislation requires. We are very waiting for these companies' proposals in the nomination of the competition“ socially responsible company ”, says Gunārs Upenieks, Chairman of THE BR Development Council and the Kraslava District Council.

Completed questionnaires to 21.10.2020. should be delivered to Latgale planning region Latgale business centre in Daugavpils, solar street 15 (LV-5401) personally, by post or by electronic mail address to

Invitation to tender and application form

News Preparatory: Latgale Planning Region Latgale Business Centre

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