Invite volunteers to a seminar on THE preparation OF CV and motivation letters


For young people

Friday, 31 May at 16.00 Griškānu in the parish cultural house, Sprudzevo, Rēzekne municipality, a seminar “CV and motivation letter” organised by the association “Co-operation Platform” will be held in central street 27 to say the most important! ”. Young people and all stakeholders performing volunteering are invited to participate in the seminar.
The seminar programme will find out how a good and modern CV looks. The lecturer will outline how THE CV and motivation letter mentions the skills and skills of volunteers who would enable the employer to ascertain the suitability of the potential employee. The participants will find out the good and bad examples OF CVs that attract attention to the nature of the motivation letter and what are the most frequent errors of jobseekers IN THE preparation OF THE CV and the application letter.
The seminar will be chaired by Maria Dubicka, mg. sc. Vad., leader of the association “green meridian”, lecturer of the study centre “Dialogue AB”.
Login seminar by calling phone: 29414010.
A seminar is organised within the framework OF the project “NGOs - opportunities, challenges, prospects” to support young people and other stakeholders who have undertaken voluntary work or plan to do so, and to teach THE skills of THE CV and motivation letters.
The information was prepared by: Lauma strain, T. 29822258

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