Invite young people to participate in the personality workshop “Find, discover and create”


For young people

Young people, if you are between 15 and 25 years of age and are interested in what is happening in your county, then apply for participation in the personality of young people in the “Learn, discover and create” workshop!
The aim of the workshop is to strengthen the awareness of the civic participation of young people in Rezekne and Viļānu by meeting with representatives of the non-governmental sector in Riga, participating in thematic activities in Rezekne municipality (experience, challenges and cooperation), contributing to the long-term growth of their hometown.
What is civic participation? Civic participation contributes to the growth of human personality, contributes to the creation of social values and makes it possible to unlock their potential and contribute to the growth of local society (UNESCO, 2014).
The workshop will be held from June 12 to June 14 in the guest house “Green Island” in Rezekne District.
Login by filling in the application form until 30 May (inclusive). The number of seats is limited – 20! The results will be communicated to all personally by 1 June.
The workshop will be guided by expert goals, individual growth Couch, coach and mentor Dina Chris. The active youth association “LOBS”, guest lecturer Aija vanaga, Rēzekne municipality youth affairs specialist Janis Šaudiņš and other participants who will share their experience of work with local youth, volunteering in Latvia and abroad, local government and youth cooperation. More information in HERE.
The workshop will be full three days, so it is important that you can participate in all days of the workshop! Workshops are FREE! The organiser shall cover the expenses of residence, catering and training with the support of the State Integration Fund from the State budget of Latvia. Travel expenses to the workshop venue should be borne by themselves.
On 31 August, it is planned to participate in the final conference of the project, where we will present our achievements during the workshop, discuss and evaluate results, benefits!
If you have questions or need more information, please write or call:
Ineta Elksne, project manager
phone: 26363497
The workshop is organised by the association “Rēzekne District Communities Partnership” within the 2018.LV/NVOF/DAP/MIC/018 of Project No. 1, which is implemented with the support of the society integration fund in the programme “NGO Foundation” financed by the State budget of Latvia.

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