Drained Rēzekne Municipality Cup in InLine hockey “red Puck 2020”



On Sunday of July 26, the InLine hockey area in McKashans took place in the InLine hockey “red Puck 2020”.

Both local and guest teams from Riga and Olaine participated in the tournament. It should be noted that professional hockey experts also showed interest in participation this year, so small adjustments were made – each team allowed only 1 professional player in their composition.

The torque of an intense struggle was not missed until the last sville of the judge, hiding from the sun and drifting at the interfaces, and they went into the adjacent offices of L.Rananes McKashan in high school.

The team “Ugkova” was represented in Latvia by professional ice hockey player Martin Dzierkals, who has been both the Riga Dinamo Game and a significant success in the play of the Canadian Quebec Junior Hockey League, in which his team became champion. Both viewers and players could enjoy and enjoy professional athletes. The “Ugkova” team (a populated place in Carthy District) plucked victory lawns, win THE SKM team in the final with a score of 3: 2!

The participation of professional athletes inspires and encourages players to practice more hard!

It should be noted that the tournament was judged by a certified judge from the Latvian Hockey Federation.

Thanks to the supporters of the tournament: the municipality of Rezekne, Sia “Microlines”, T/c “Sjuzanne”, Sia “Poligrapfserviss”, Autocentre “Valters & GR”, “Auscara kebabs”, “Latvian InLine Hockey Centre”, “Latgale carpenter”.

Meet the InLine hockey tournament in autumn!

InLine Hockey Tournament Collection:

  1. Firewood
  2. Skm
  3. Skm2
  4. Magazine wolves
  5. Cirma
  6. Whispering
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A small video of the video from the tournament – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hN9wcosyfeU&feature=youtu.be

InLine hockey enthusiast and tournament organizer - Edgars Yukna
Photo - Alexander Lebeds

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