Apstiprināts “Viļānu Mūzikas un mākslas skolas jaunās ēkas energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanas” projekts



The municipality of Rezekne Municipality, at the end of 2021, selected the project application selection in the operational programme “Growth and Employment” 4.2.2. the specific support objective “to promote energy efficiency improvement and the use of renewable energy in local government buildings in the 5 th round in accordance with the integrated development programmes of the municipality.” Viļānu Improving the energy efficiency of the new building of the music and art school No between the municipal and central finance and contract agencies was signed on 29 June 2022 on the implementation of that project.

The aim of the project is to reduce primary energy consumption by promoting energy efficiency improvement IN Viļānu music and art school building, cultural area 1, Vilnius, Rezekne municipality.

The total cost of the project is 441 585,49 EURO, the eligible costs are EUR 422 571.74, from which THE ERDF funding is 359 185.97 EURO, the State budget grant – EUR 19 015,73 and the municipal financing – 44 370.04 EURO, and the ineligible costs are EUR 19 013,75.

The project provides for the performance of works which ensure the improvement of the energy efficiency of that building, which according to the energy certificate is as follows:

  • Insulation of exterior walls, including windows and door openings and the insulation of walls against attic spaces;
  • The insulation of the attic, the replacement of the roof cover, as well as the cleaning of ventilation channels and outlets, the cleaning of ventilation shutters and channels;
  • Replacing existing glass structures against new windows, fitting windows with air-inlet valves;
  • Replacement of outdoor and attic hatches;
  • Warming of foundations;
  • Insulation of the floor, insulation of the cellar cover
  • Replacement of heat sources, insulation and replacement of existing heating pipes;
  • Improvement of lighting system

The project will be implemented by 31 December 2023.

Project Manager, Guntis Kalnins

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