Purchase of unmanned aircraft with accessories for the monitoring and protection of fish resources in the water bodies of Rezekne
Purchase identification No.: RNP 2015/20
Deadline for submission of tenders: 09.10.2015. līdz plkst. 14.00
Name of the commissioning party: Municipality of Rezekne municipality
Subject-matter of procurement: bezpilota lidaparāta ar papildierīcēm iegāde zivju resursu uzraudzībai un aizsardzībai Rēzeknes novada ūdenstilpēs
Place of submission of tenders: Liberation alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601
Contact person: Theresia crossed the tent. 64607185, e-mail: terezija.kruste@rezeknesnovads.lv
Procurement by-laws
Decision on the results of the procurement