The events of “Boņuks 2022” also include Nautrēnu civil parish events

The work of the jury on the evaluation of applicants' applications has been completed by announcing the nominations of the thirty-Latgalian cultural year “Boņuks 2022”, among them also THE Nautrēnu parish map latgalically and the first poetry of the poetry in Latgalically “Rogovkys poetry voga”.  The award ceremony will take place On March 4 at 18.00, honouring the ten most important events, activities and people in Latgalian culture, as well as providing a prize for the contribution of life to the development of Latgalian culture. This year, the award ceremony will take place both with the presence of viewers in Latgale Embassy GORE and will be seen live in LTV1 21.10.

This year, the prizes for activities, work and achievements in Latvian culture will be presented for the fifteenth time. The goal of the Latgalian cultural year is to gather the best, brightest and most important achievements and events in the last year in Latgalian culture, to honor the most active Latvian cultural representatives, promoters, as well as to promote and encourage the development of creativity and cultural diversity in the future. “Boņuks 2022” will be honoured for performance and made in 2022. As the criteria for the evaluation of applicants are both the quality of the performance of the tenderer, the activity throughout the year, the resonance of the region, the country or the wider scale, both the latgalisky and/or the absence of the cultural values of Latgale, the sustainability of the applicant – the impact on the Latgalian cultural processes in the future.

“Boņuks 2022” Award of the Latvian Year of Cultural Heritage:

  1. Anneles Slišānes story and poetry Krajums “tuoraga stuosti. Pine”
  2. Antoņina Moscow “Povuoru gruomota”
  3. Refurbished national partisan church bunker in Stompara swamp
  4. Activities of the association LgSC in 2022
  5. Training movies of the association “Ludza amateur” on the skills and knowledge of ancient positions
  6. Dancing book – album “Latgale dancers and not only”
  7. Daugavpils Theatre performance “Sprudzs”
  8. Daugavpils unit house “tradition house”
  9. Folklore studio “banga” depression album “TALKA”
  10. Group “excluding VAT” with songs and video clips from the future album “PARALLEL HORIZON”
  11. “Muosys” group with debut album “on the way”
  12. Group “rupucci” with children and families for YouTube channel latgalically
  13. “Tautumeitas” group with songs and video clips from the album “runway”
  14. Ivetas Seimanova exhibition “Lobs with lobby sasatyka” throughout Latvia
  15. “Muol” Study
  16. New cultural site in Daugavpils – ceramic Peter Martinson's house
  17. Juris Urtan
  18. Laima Jurča
  19. Latgale Congress
  20. Lligia Purinasha poetry Krajums “border”
  21. LRT journalist ausma Spruukte – Kozule
  22. “Puslopys” of modern Latgalian literature
  23. Modern Latgalian text body “MuLa2022”
  24. Nautrēnu parish card latgalically
  25. First volume of poetry in Latgalically “Rogovkys poetry voga”
  26. First Latgalian Serial “FATI”
  27. Valentine Lukashevich's essay Krajums “Casnag maizeitis”
  28. Vincent Fliciger and Editte Husar's story book “Trusini inspire pi boy”
  29. Training course “Latgalian language” in the Platform “your class”
  30. Youtube channel “Im a 'mazed”

This year, 125 applicants were submitted, which were evaluated by the jury Commission, including both previous year prize recipients, media representatives, prize organizers, Latgalian cultural community activists and experts invited by the relevant sphere, whose daily life is not related to Latgalic culture. With a full panel of the jury, the Latvian Cultural Year Awards “Boņuks” can be consulted The nominations submitted by the jury were evaluated in two stages: the first is a non-spot round, which assesses all the applicants submitted, while the second year is the distance of the remote spot where the jury members discuss and evaluate 30 nominations. The “Boņuks” clay statuettes honour the 10 applicants who have received the highest number of points together on both sides. The winner of the prize “for a lifelong contribution to the development of Latgalian culture” will be publicly announced in mid-February.

The awards ceremony will be conducted by actor Janis Kronis. In the face-to-face and live shows, TV will enjoy the group “excluding VAT” and Walter owl, “Latgale reps”, “nations” and Renars Kaupers, children's group “rupucci”, Uga, folklorists Eric Zeps and Julgie Stalte, and Mars Briežkalns quintets with Biruta Ozoliņa. The award ceremony of the Latvian Year of Cultural Heritage will also show the recipient of the public sympathy vote – Jika – recipient. His sympathy can be expressed in the Latgalian cultural news portal, where the vote will begin on 20 February and will continue until 1 March.

The Latgalian cultural year “Boņuks” was first presented in 2009, but since 2013 the Award was organised by Latgale Embassy GORE team, in collaboration with the association “Party”. “Boņuks 2022” is supported by the Latvian Culture Capital Foundation Latgale cultural programme with the support of A/S “Latvian State Forests” and the Latgale Region Development Agency, as well as the municipality of Latvia, the municipality of Kraslava, the Municipality of Lephans, the municipality of Preiles, the city council of Rezekne, the municipality of Rezekne and the central finance and contract agency.

More information:

Santa Kļavina

Latgale Embassy GORE (SIA “Eastern Latvian concert hall”)

Marketing specialist


Mob. phone: +371 29695069

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