Road to quarry: goal. Challenges. Competencies
At the end of the school year, a career support event was held AT Dricānu in secondary school: the target. Challenges. Competencies'. In the introduction, the leader of the event, Inga Belousa, offered to look at his career through an atypical prize: what happens when the world enters my career? Thus, there were answers to the question: what challenges would every young, more schooled and schoolbook wisdom be looking forward to in the future?
The form of the selected event this time - the focus group discussion. The participants in the discussion represented a variety of interest groups:
- Solvita Justele, parents' representative
- Scene Pelse, a teacher with interest in career education AT Dricānu secondary school
- Skaidrite Strode, Director of the Drucane High School
- Guntis Rasims, Rēzekne municipality councillor, head of “Latgolys Saeima”, musician
- Katie Kindzule, Dricānu upper secondary school student
There were 5 blocks of questions, for which the participants had to express their opinions or share their experiences.
- Career choice: What is the way to a successful career? How do i find the right choice? Who can help?
- Career growth objectives: how to set targets for successful careers? How much is the role of education, parents, the environment and young people in the setting of careers?
- Career challenges: what are the career challenges in the municipality, the country, the world? How do they manage their career education?
- Competencies for a successful career: what competences are required for successful careers today, after 5 years, 15 years later? What competencies are in the present-day labour market in Latvia, Latvia, the world?
- Professions – are there “correct” and “wrong” professions? What professions might be required in the future?
It was interesting and inspiring to hear stories about the way to careers, the courage and success, developing one career path, doubtful, disappointing, and strength to make a twist in a completely different direction. These stories said: be self-aware, learn to overcome the moments of weakness and indecision, know your strength and power, do not fear to try and make mistakes, learn all your life! and many other wisdom of life.
At the end of the event, the pupils acknowledged that the discussion encouraged them to think more about their future, the objectives and the profession to be chosen. Some concluded that it was worth getting acquainted with different professions, maybe even trying to get involved in volunteering to understand whether the choice was correct.
Discussion on the path to careers: objective. Challenges. Competencies were organised under the European Social Fund project No “career support in general and vocational education institutions”.
Elita Opincane,
project coordinator in Rezekne municipality