In Daugavpils fortress, the family house “puzzle” began to operate


EU news

Since the beginning of January, the “social service” unit of Daugavpils municipal authority “social service” has started to operate, which provides long-term family model care without parental care for the remaining children.

The family house is located in the fortress, Commander Street 3, where the nursery-shelter “Auseklītis” was once operated. In preparation for the admission of new occupants, the building has experienced profound transformation: its walls, new doors, dismantled old and built new internal engineering networks (except heating radiators maintained in a satisfactory state), restored inner ladders, completely replaced old ventilation system, roof-mounted solar collectors. A convenient and secure environment for people with visual and motion disorders has been established. The adjacent area is also well-equipped.

The institution is under the authority of Daugavpils Social Service and is formed within the framework of the Deinstitutionalisation (DI) Plan, which provides for maximum approximation of children's daily life to the family environment. Currently, 20 children from 8 to 17 years of age live in the “puzzle”. They all come from the social service centre for children and young people “Prieditte.”

“Family model” means that children live in rooms with 1-3 people, each of which is equipped with facilities and kitchen. The little people who still get to their new residence tell them they like it and they really feel like one big family where parents are replaced by educators.
To support young people in the way of a new, self-sustaining life in a variety of ways, not only by becoming a guardian or adoptive adopter. One of the most important skills to be learnt from the “puzzle” learners is the culinary art. Therefore, the employees of the institution call on farms that may have a surplus of vegetables to share them, explaining to children the importance of the importance of the work of the work in human life.

Meanwhile, in the multifunctional social service centre “Prieditis” (Turaida street 36), which the people of the “puzzle” have recently called their home, “crisis centre” is still active, where children in difficult living situations can receive accommodation, social care, evaluation, development and development of social skills as well as psychosocial and psychological support. The service “day care centre for adult persons with mental disorders” and the “day care centre for children with functional disorders” are provided here. In the near future, there will be other services, a pimer, a “breathless moment.”

The plot was prepared Daugavpils City Municipalities Department of Communication.

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