Daugavpils University invites third-country nationals to apply for free Latvian language courses!


EU news

Project audience: nationals of third countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan etc.) who are legally resident in the territory of Latvia.
Courses will be managed by highly skilled teachers with a large work experience using modern methodology. The time and days of the activities will be aligned with the course visitors after the testing of the group and testing of diagnostic tests.

Information and login:
mobile phone: 28133614
email: kursidu@inbox.lv

It is possible to apply for local courses that will be held in Daugavpils and Kraslava cities, as well as for remote courses (Online), which will be held in the ZOOM platform.
More information on Daugavpils University website www.du.lv, under “Latvian language for growth”.

Courses will be organised in the 2014-2020 programming period project “Latvian Language for Growth” of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, Grant Contract No. PMIF/6/2021/4/04, within the framework of.

Project is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (75%) and Latvian State Budget (25%)

This publication is based on the support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. Daugavpils University is responsible for the content of the publication.


Даугавпилсский университет приглашает граждан третьих стран записаться на бесплатные курсы латышского языка!
Целевая аудитория проекта: граждане третьих стран (Украина, Беларусь, Россия, Таджикистан, Азербайджан и др.), прибывшие в Латвию и легально проживающие на территории ЛР.

Курсы проводят квалифицированные педагоги с большим опытом работы, используя современную методику. Время и дни занятий будут согласованы со слушателями курсов после набора групп.

Информация и запись:
мобильный телефон: 28133614
электронная почта: kursidu@inbox.lv

Можно записаться на очные курсы, которые будут проходить в в городах Даугавпилс и Краслава, и на удаленные (Online) Курсы, которые будут проходить в платформе ZOOM.

Более подробная информация на домашней странице Даугавпилсского университета www.du.lv, в разделе “Latvian language for growth”.
Проект Латышский язык для развития, номер грантового контракта PMIF/6/2021/4/04, реализуется в рамках планирования 2014-2020 года Европейского Фонда убежища, миграции и интеграции.

Проект осуществляется при финансовой поддержке Фонда убежища, миграции и интеграции (75%) и из средств Латвийского государственного бюджета (25%)

Эта публикация осуществляется при финансовой поддержке Фонда убежища, миграции и интеграции. За содержание публикации отвечает Даугавпилсский университет.


Daugavpils University invites Third-Country nationals to Enroll in Free courses of Latvian Language!
The target Audience of the Project: Third-Country (China, India, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, etc.) nationals who Recome to Latvia and legally Live on its territory.

The courses will be conducted by highly qualified, experienced Teachers using Modern methods.
The Schedule of the Classes will be Agreed upon with the Course participants after setting the Groups.

Information and Registration:
mobile Phone: 28133614
e-Mail: kursidu@inbox.lv

It is possible in the Apply for Online held Language courses, Via ZOOM Platform and for face-to-face courses and will be held in the Cities of Daugavpils and Kraslava.

More Detailed Information can be found on the Homepage of Daugavpils University ww.du.lv under the Section “Latvian language for growth”.
The courses will be conducted by the Commission of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2014-2020 for the Project Latvian Language for Development, the Number of the Grant Contract is PMIF/6/2021/4/04.

The Project is implemented with the Financial Support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (75%) and the Latvian State Budget (25%)

The Publication is implemented with the Financial Support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. Daugavpils University is Responsible for the Publication.

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