Dricānie is participating in international media camp Young Media sharks


For young people

On May 19, 2017, a “full-thought” competition was concluded, with Dricānu parish young people - Caitty Kindzule, Dita Dembovsky, Janis Gorodničius, Aurelia Zarina and Eduard Zarins - with their own video club won many prizes, including the main track on the international media camp in Kuldīga “Young Media sharks” (new media shark). This camp took place between 8 and 14 August in Kuldīga municipality in Pelčos.
“Young Media sharks” is a camp that provides enormous experience, memorable emotions and a lot of new friends. Dricānu parish young people were given a unique opportunity to explore different media areas within a short time, gain experience from the best field experts and work in practice with various media tools. During the camp they visited various lectures, which were led by known journalists, producers and managers, not only from Latvia but also from THE US, Ukraine and Estonia, such as Ben Dreifus, Inga Springge, Ilze Udre, Janis Eglītis, Chris Maturs, Lelde Lietaviete, Pauls Chesteris, Sandijs Semjonovs, Ugis Olte, Uldis Ceculis, etc. The camp members won the nickname “charki” and they also continue to call themselves after camp. It was a task for young people to create videos on different topics, such as the crossing of the Venta hub, the information video for Wikipedia's information and the truth, which went to know the city's representatives and the tourism information centre. Some young people were studying and filming the boundaries of their personal space, asking passers to show their latest photographs in their phones. These and other videos taken can be seen here: https://vimeo.com/album/4725797 .
The young people themselves are very pleased and pleased with the progress made. The fun camp was, too, thought. The last night was a talent show where every young man, such as Dricānu, Jānis Gorodničius, gunned and showed a variety of tricks that he had learned by self-training. At the end of the week, everyone was so friendly that they didn't want to leave and even now shared WhatsApp's correspondence with the memories and emotions they had experienced together.
We want to thank you for the excellent opportunity not only for camp organisers and volunteers, but also for Ingoon Sam and Jānis Jurchenko, without which we would not have achieved such good success!
Katie Kindzule,
Member of the Young Media sharks camp

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