Europe that protects and defends. Practical seminar on children's rights
23 November at 13:00-15:00 The premises of the Orphan's Court, social service staff and lawyers on the protection of children's rights in Latvia and Europe will be held at the premises of the Central Library of Rezekne (in Rēzekne). Lecture Liv Upena - lawyer of the Ministry of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Justice. Degree: mg. sc.soc (Master of Social Sciences in sociology), Bc. jur. (Bachelor degree in law). Long-term work experience (10 years) in international cooperation in the protection of children's rights. Previously, he has worked in the protection of children's rights as a social worker at the social care centre “Riga”.
Seminar programme:
1. Protection of the rights of children in an international context, which this term includes (the families of the social risk family who moves in, the children removed from the families of Latvian nationals abroad and their protection, the evaluation of potential guardians residing abroad, the evaluation of potential guardians at foreign request, the illegal movement of children, the right of access if one of the parents resides in a foreign state);
2. The main legislation on the protection of children's rights in an international context in which they are to be applied;
3. The role and role of Latvian children's rights protection specialists in the protection of children's rights in an international context.
A book exhibition on the protection of children's rights in Latvia and Europe will be seen during the seminar.
A certificate will be issued for participation in the seminar.
The seminar is organised by the Europe Direct Information Centre in Eastern Latgale:
Registration for seminar is mandatory: here
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Diana Selecka
Assistant Director of the Europe Direct Information Centre