European Museum of Museum in Berzgale



This year, the museum night event at Berzgale is a theatre drawing and is not random because the theatre plays an ancient and rich history. During the event on 14 May at 19.00 We'll look at THE history OF THE Bērzgales theatre and look at THE 19TP36T dramatic set of the 1996 film, directed by the leader Arthur Arthur, a record of “Byus silk smolkok about love”. The museum will show the exhibition “dramaturgist and director Arthur Talivaldim Rubernim-95”. In the 20-30 s, THE parish of Bērzgales is not just a choir but also plays the theatre. This is evidenced by the article published in the newspaper “New Stream” on 26 August 1923, which reports that on August 12, 1923, two plays “twenty honour” and “no marry” are shown in Voveros.

From 1920 to 1928, THE church of Bērzgales is operated by a very energetic and public-field priest Joseph Kazlass, who has organized a dramatic group who has also written plays. As director, J. Kazlass invites the writer and dramaturg Anton Rupaini and pays him 60 lats per month. Anton Rupainis has also written more than 10 plays and one of the most famous is “Jimta Land.” The famous expression “Myzigs beauty”, which is already folklore, has come from this play.

In turn, In the 70 s, the dramatic group is led by Bernadette Opincane. With the exhibition “Vinnie Pook and his friends” in 1977, the group gets 1 st place at the level of the Republic.

The 90-those years IN Bērzgales Theatre's life are Arthur's rub time, he is known as the Latvian dramatist, director, librarian and social worker. MR Rubenis was born on 5 June 1927 in Rēzekne municipality, Bērzgales parish Silavnieki. Arthur had lived for less than two years. In the years of the war, the dramatist goes to the refugees - initially in Germany, then enters THE US Boston later in Cleveland. In Germany and THE US, the exile at the Latvian Theatre is continuously active. In a letter, MR Rubenis wrote: “THE LATVIAN THEATRE was my mission in America and my life has gone.” From professional theatre work at Emerson College and the Boston University Theatre School, with bachelor and Master of fine Arts degrees, experience since 1947 to today.

In the summer of 1990, the Latvian Theatre of Cleveland visited Latvia. Sarmite Stirāne recalls, “We had a great pleasure that the director and the dramatist, MR Rubenis, brought his theatre tribe to his home parish Berzgali. MR Rubenis encloses us with his light radiation, with humor, with endless humanitarian attitudes. With great respect and dignity, he treated every pupil, respected the time of every man. ' In the 90 s, the dramatist often visited and acted creatively in the parish. At this time, THE dramatic set OF Bērzgales, under THE direction OF A. ruben, takes a number of plays:» Cu Ičas iudi teaches »(1992), “Byldynōjums” (1993), “Byus silk smolkok about love” (1996). In THE Bērzgales school, the playwright was directed by a number of plays: “Bezfeis meeklej luck”, “Bolta nukca bōrineite”, “Kirk lime-pod in Biergola”.

In parallel with the collection of Theatre traditions, MR Rubenis issued the magazine “Berggola dramaturgs” (13 numbers), which summarised the works of the Latgalian dramatists.

Although the most part of life has been spent in a stranger, the dramatist has said, “despite the education IN THE US, i speak, think and feel Latvian, with a strong tendency to defend the Latvian language.”

On meeting at Bērzgales in the cultural house on 14 May pl. 19.00.

A. Rwanda museum manager Skaidrite Apeinne

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