Defence OF THE EU budget: The European Public Prosecutor's Office will be launched on 1 June


EU news

On 26 May, the Commission officially confirmed that the European Public Prosecutor's Office would be launched on 1 June.

Vice-President of the Commission on values and transparency Vera Jourova noted: “We have reached the final stage: the first independent EU office, which will investigate crimes affecting THE EU budget, will be launched very soon and prosecute them. From 1 June, the European Public Prosecutor, Laura Codruța Kövesi, will be strongly against criminals and ensure that no euro is lost as a result of corruption or fraud. '

Justice Commissioner Didje Reiners said: “The launch of the European Public Prosecutor's Office will highlight a new stage in the history of European integration. The fundamental role of this European body is to protect EU funds from criminals in the common interest of our citizens. It will closely follow the implementation of the NextGenerationEU programme to ensure that the funds are fully used to recover the economy from the crisis. '

EPPO is responsible for criminal investigations and prosecutions of crimes against THE EU budget. It is the first supranational prosecution. EPPO conduct investigations and prosecutions of this type of fraud and other crimes affecting THE EU's financial interests:

  • fraud and revenue fraud;
  • vat fraud (if it affects two or more Member States and represents at least eur 10 million);
  • money laundering - the legalisation of assets derived from the fraud of THE EU budget;
  • active and passive corruption or misappropriation affecting THE EU's financial interests;
  • participation in a criminal organisation whose activities are aimed at committing crimes against THE EU budget.

This new Union body may also investigate any other illegal activity which is “inextricably linked” to a criminal offence against THE EU budget and prosecute it.

EPPO investigations and prosecutions will be carried out entirely independently of the Commission, other EU institutions and bodies as well as Member States. It will complement other EU bodies and agencies, such as: OLAFEurojust and Europol, work and cooperation with them, as well as with the competent authorities of the Member States not participating in the work of the European Public Prosecutor's Office. It is expected that time EPPO investigate approximately 3000 cases per year.

General information

EPPO is created with Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 of 12 October 2017. It is financed by THE EU budget and is the first supranational prosecutor responsible for criminal investigation and prosecution. In its current structure, 22 EU Member States participate in enhanced cooperation. The European Public Prosecutor's Office is led by the Chief Prosecutor Laura Kodruca Kevei. The Office of the Prosecutor's Office shall be located in Luxembourg and shall consist of one European Public Prosecutor from each participating Member State and other staff. In addition, the European Delegated Prosecutors located in the Member States are an integral part of this independent body.

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