Feimaņu primary school participation in the programme “Latvian School Finish” for the 2018-2019 school year II semester



Within the framework of the programme “Latvian School Finish”, THE 1 TP46T primary school of the school year 2018/2019 has implemented the covering of eligible costs for several cultural activities.
On 15 February, students in Classes 6-9 participated in the museum pedagogical programme “Human Child” in Latgale Culture History Museum.
During the course of the lesson, the pupils were acquainted with the beauty of the writer John KCo, paying special attention to the novel “Human Child” and film director John Streich of the same name in 1991 (in Latgalian language).
On 22 March, students of classes 2-6 were active in the museum pedagogical programme “mysteries of subterranean depths” in Latgale cultural history museum.
Every student was offered the opportunity to feel an archaeologist at work, to search for, find and dig up the ancient things that were hidden in the land – artifacts (cow's skull, ancient Latvian soldier aprocure from bronze, metal horse ladder, old-time iron, various teeth and bone fragments, money, ceramics, etc.).
On April 12, the 7 th-9 th class students went to Riga to see 4 respectful objects - Latvian National Library, Museum, Jews in Latvia, PeterChurch and Old Riga.
In the presence of the pupils, the pupils knew the impressive castle of light (68 m high, it has 13 stories), learned that THE LNB kept particularly rare books, ancient handwriting, notes of notes. He looked at the Dined Cupboard and the Library's pride - the folk of the People's books (located on five floors) with the books of gifts recorded in the books.
In the museum, “Jews in Latvia” gained insight into Jews' involvement in Latvia's economic, social - political, cultural and religious life. All attention was drawn to the map of Latvia, which marked the places of hiding of Jews to save them from death, and the fact that the Jews rescuers were also a family from our Feimaņu parish during the Holocaust.
In the creative workshop he met Jewish festivals: Purim, Hamek, etc. He learned how to celebrate the festival, what the food was prepared, received the traditional bread of the Jews from the gift, Macu - a flat cake, cooked exclusively from water and flour.
In the high church tower of the 123 m of Peterchurcha, they all pulled up with the elevator. A breathless panorama on Old Riga's red roofs, modern Riga, Riga Gulf and Daugava with a large port opened from the viewtower.
Following the narrative of the history of the church, the Gidi continued to meet the Old Riga, which has been the economic, financial and cultural centre of the region since the 13 th century.
The most famous buildings were surveyed: the Riga House, the Blackhead House, the Freedom Monument, etc.
On 22 May, Grade 2-4 pupils visited the site of the visit stage – concert hall GORE Rezekne to watch Latvian dolls' exhibition “brothers and Carlson living on the roof”.
The main benefit of our project - a bright sense of feeling, a valuable time, unreproducible feelings, new knowledge.
Co-ordinator of the programme “Latvian School Finish” at the school - scene Driksnis

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