Folklore tree “Cloud Mount” -40



In a particularly elevated mood, a positive and vibrant atmosphere on May 21, the folklore of Makoņkalns celebrated his 40-year anniversary. Folklore sets of Rezekne, the folklore sets from Kraslava municipality, the special guest – head of the Rēzekne municipality's cultural division Inara Pleikšne, the head of the Kaunatas parish association, Sergei Bashmakov, and the head of the Makoņkalns parish housekeeper, Rolands Kalvis and other folklore-set friends and supporters who did not come out of the rain, and the other folklore-set friends and supporters who were not coming from the rain, were gathered at the summit of the Modern Mountain. The leader of the event, Inga Trule, shared memories of the founding history of the folklore set, together with the work and fun times. The narrative of the stories and the songs of the guests of the guests were preserved together during the lifetime of the foxoric population.

At the beginning of the concert, the jubilant - the folklore of Mount Mount. “Since ancient times there is a land of Latgale-Razna's waves, the crown crowns.” There are so many folk songs that the orphanage, cattle grazing, closes them like strawberries in a laugh. “There is a folk song from ancient summers... the smoke of Ria's smoke, soaked in tears.” The singers of the Mount Mountain folklore singing in memories of the far 1982 s, when the group was singing by members who were all in the sun and singing songs to the honour of the heaven. Two members have been left from the first composition: Janin's slack and the leader of the group Zigfred Laizane. Times go, the singer's composition changes, the old songs are replaced by the young generation, both singers and dancers - a total of 36. It is not only the material values, but also the spiritual ones. The Modern Hill folklore is not just a folk songs, but it is active in his friend. The May singing to God's honor at the crossroads, psalmi, Sunday in the church of the Holy Mass, wedding gates and more, and still... And it's a song of 40 years at the foot of the Hill.

The concert was also covered by the guests - the Dricana folklore set “Bolta vīšņa”, the leader Erik Chudars, the Ozolaine folklore set “Zealand”, the leader Inara Blinov, the Ilzeskalna folklore set, the leader Anna Viaver, the Rogovka Etnographic Englishman, the leader of Anna Garancha, the group of Verems folklore “Vōrpa”, the leader of Anna Viaver, the Dagda folklore set “Oscans”, the leader of the Inta Vilnius, and the Androupenes folklore “Sovwalnki”, the leader Aija Vaičule.

At the end of the anniversary, a message was nolasīts from on the Castle of Volkenberg Castle, the funeral and three daughters - rose, Lucia and Maria. Each of the folklore trees from the trunk, which had been placed on the stage, had to pull out three things - a cross, a rose flower and a candle, and remember which of the daughters each thing belongs to. The happy lobby, the amazement prize and the key of the Volkenberg Castle, was pulled out by Dagda folklore's “Owen”. 

Doodah, Razna, a poetry for a mug,
Where the sky and earth are!
That's what you want, i'm pregnant,
Flushing vyshapeigenox fractures -
The mouthwoll sucks the vog. 

(Andris Vējāns) 

In the sound of the anniversary, all the participants were invited to the song “behind the Azara bolt barzi”.

Favorite folklore “Cloud” members - Janina, Vanda, Inga, Inta, Elga, Skaidrite, Lilly, Regina, Leontin! Let your home at the family table always have a folk song! To inherit and give the next generations everything that was holy to our ancestors! Let the waves of the Lake Razna and the grey Cloud Mountain give strength to new adventures and challenges! Let the dreams fill!

Inara Smirnov, head of the Mount Mountain folklore

Photo: Roland Kalvis

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