Photo orientation in Chornais


For young people

Autumn is not autumn without photo orientation in Chornie! On 30 September, the current autumn photo-orientation for families with children and young people was removed in Chornie. There was a chance to participate in three disciplines. The great young people could go into the big distance, while the small children, along with their parents, were in the family distance. The smaller ones could compete in discipline, the fastest reader.

Five teams started in the big distance. Young people received folders that contained a Čornajas village card with 21 checkpoints and an additional page with pictures that had to be found at each checkpoint. The team had the opportunity to find hidden paper mushrooms or birds and receive additional points. Apkopojot and father's tandem Andy Marianne and Anatoly, in the second place, took place in the second place, Creb, Maxime, Ingus, and Radville.

Only one team started in the family distance, the village's most active family. In this route, the conditions were the same as in the large, only with 11 checkpoints. Congratulations to the Ushani family with prize 1 st place.

By contrast, the five small villages of the village took part in the discipline, the fastest reader of the candy, and the winners were, of course, all because they received a lot of candy in the prizes.

Before the big run, they woke up and writhed to get out of the trauma.

Let you all sunny and active is this autumn!

Text and photo - Sarmitte Brolisha,
Čornajas parish youth affairs specialist

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