Photo contest “great parents”


As of March 7, 2009, the photo contest “excellent parents” was announced. The parents who have children of pre-school age took part in it. The tender rule was: the photograph should show the shared activity of children and parents, such as pie baking, book reading, dishwasher etc. The best photographs were published in “Rēzekne messages” and placed in the photo gallery of the Rēzekne District Council.

The author of the most interesting photograph received the “mirror” award. Photographs of the winners of the competition were used to create a poster that was distributed by Rezekne City and district educational institutions, hospitals, pharmacies and other public institutions. The poster's goal was to encourage young parents to think: "maybe i need more to do with my child, too?

The competition was organised within the framework of the project “eight lifelong learning competences and parents” financed by THE EUROPEAN Union Lifelong Learning Programme and the European Union Lifelong Learning Programme. It involves educators and children of the pre-school educational institutions of Greece, Slovenia, Romania and Latvia. The project activities in Latvia from January 2009 to October 2010 are implemented by the Rēzekne District Council.

The aim of the project is to promote better cooperation between the primary school education institution and the family, as well as encouraging parents to spend more time with children. Parents must understand that their apology needs attention and love. Sharing new skills, playing and acting positively affects the development and well-being of the child.
To view the photo of the sent photo here 
Inta Rimšāne
project Manager
External Communications Coordinator
Rēzekne District Council
Release alley 95, Rezekne, LV 4601
Tel. (office) 37164625011

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