Information seminar on open competition “Support for the implementation of business ideas in Latgale”


Business News

On 14 July 2021, from 10:00 to 12:00, remotely through THE ZOOM platform, an informative seminar will be held, in which the Latgale Planning Region will present EEA FI 2014-2021 programmes “local development, poverty reduction and cultural cooperation” in the open project submission competition “support for the implementation of business ideas in Latgale”. Stakeholders are invited to apply for participation in the seminar by 12 July 2021 at:

Access information will be sent to the registered participants prior to the seminar.

 The objective of the open competition announced on 17 June is to provide support for projects implementing a new business idea and creating at least one new job in Latgale region. In the context of the competition, almost all business areas will be supported and any natural and legal person (small or micro-enterprise) who carries out his economic activity in Latgale region will be eligible. Project applicants will be able to receive support for the creation of new products or services, the improvement of existing products, the substantial increase in production capacity or the substantial change in production processes as well as the improvement of the efficiency of existing services in the implementation of a new business idea. The aid intensity is up to 55% of the total eligible costs of the project, aid per project: 5 000 – 10 000 EURO. The deadline for submission of project applications is 21 September 2021.

More information on open competition:

We are working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe!   


9:55 arrival at ZOOM

10:00 seminar discovery

Director of the Department of Development Instruments of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development 

Representative of the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) - TBC            

10:20 project tender “Support for implementation of business ideas in Latgale” support conditions and login

Coordinator of the grant scheme of Andra Minkevich, Latgale planning region Latgale business centre 

11:00 actuarial support for the business ideas of rural areas

Latvian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020: Support FOR local development OF LEADER in sub-measure “Implementation of actions under THE IMVA Strategy”.  

Inga Krekele, association “Daugavpils and Ilūkstes District Partnership“ neighbours ” 

11:20 other support programmes for entrepreneurship

Andris Kucins, Head of Latgale Planning Region Latgale Business Centre 

11:40 questions and answers





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