“Is a flower-flower mother's smile …” – mother's day concert in Sherjans

The second Sunday of May comes with our favorite festival, the mother's day. There was a warm concert, songs, dances, and lovely words in the Cultural Cultural House, for all mothers, grandmother, grandmother, and aunts.

The gammu and soulful emotions were gifted by the Collection of the Cultural House of Shergans: the children's vocabulary “Pink Girls”, the children's contemporary dance group “pearls”, the young people's dance set, the middle-generation dance collective “Dzieti”, the Bar ensemble “Sidrabrasa”, the Russian song ensemble “Raduga”. A voxally instrumental group, “Untitled” from Rezekne, was a mysterious surprise.

All the mothers always have a strong health, a joy, and the happiest moments with their children, who are given an unselfish love and concern. The greatest happiness is to give and receive love, smiles, goodness, affection in feedback!

Leocadia Razgale,
Head of the Cyrus Cultural House

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