Launched a 2022 project call for business start-up and development in Rezekne municipality

The municipality of Rezekne launches a project competition “support for the creation and development of companies in Rezekne municipality”. Time of submission of project applications: from 19 April to 19 May 2022 pl .16: 30. Total available funding: EUR 100 000.00

Maximum amount of the municipality's financing (Granta) for one project – EUR 5000.00, for cooperative societies EUR 10 000.00

Additional funding can be obtained for environmental availability OF EUR 2000.00

The co-financing of the project applicant shall not be less than 10% of the total amount applied for in the project.


The aim of the competition is to inspire active action and to support initiatives that are in line with the basic principles of sustainable business, ensure the creation of new jobs, innovative, increased value-added products and services that contribute to the development or diversification of new or existing economic activities.

Applicants for aid:

Natural and legal persons who:

  • intends to carry out economic activities,
  • commenced an economic activity but no financial year has been entered into and whose net turnover does not exceed EUR 15 000,00 over the last six months,
  • carry out economic activities and whose net turnover in the previous year is not more than EUR 30 000,00,
  • The financing is not granted to persons with a tax debt exceeding 150,00 EURO at the time of the submission of the project application,
  • The aid is not provided to applicants who have received the financing of the municipality of Rezekne in the 2020 and 2021 project competition “Support for the creation and development of enterprises in Rezekne municipality”.
  • One applicant may submit only one project application.

Eligible costs:

  • The purchase of equipment, equipment (the costs of supply and installation may be included in the price) by which the product will be produced, processed, sorted, built, moved (except for the vehicles referred to in point 3.13.1 of the Regulation), prepared for storage, packaged, stored or a service will be provided;
  • the acquisition of a manufacturing or service process requires the purchase of specific computer software;
  • purchase of office machinery where the costs do not exceed 10% of the total amount of the project, except where the computer hardware is necessary to ensure the production or service delivery process;
  • building materials for the establishment and/or repair of manufacturing or service facilities,
  • VAT if the aid applicant is not registered in the register of TAXABLE persons.

Non-assisted sectors:

  • international transport,
  • the provision of gambling services,
  • retail trade, with the exception of the establishment of specialised trading venues for the disposal of domestic products;
  • wholesale trade,
  • manufacture or sale of alcohol and tobacco products (excluding small alcoholic beverages),
  • financial intermediation services,
  • manufacture or sale of firearms and ammunition (excluding weapons of activity for entertainment - arc, arbalate, etc.),
  • Atbalsts netiek piešķirts nozarēm un darbībām (skat. Nolikuma 1.pielikumu), kuras minētas Eiropas Komisijas 2013.gada 18.decembra Regulā (ES) Nr.1407/2013 par Līguma par Eiropas Savienības darbību 107. un 108. panta piemērošanu de minimis atbalstam (turpmāk – Komisijas regula Nr.1407/2013) 1.panta 1.punktā. Ja atbalsta pretendents darbojas arī nozarēs, kas minētas Komisijas Regulas Nr.1407/2013 1.panta 1.punkta a), b) un c) apakšpunktā, tas atbilstoši Komisijas regulas Nr.1407/2013 1.panta 2.punktam nodrošina šo nozaru darbību vai izmaksu nošķiršanu no tām darbībām, kurām piešķirts de minimis atbalsts, nodrošinot, ka darbības minētajās nozarēs vai attiecīgās darbības negūst labumu no piešķirtā atbalsta.*

*explanation: the primary production of agricultural products is not supported, including the agricultural activities necessary for the preparation of the animal or plant product for the first sale. In turn, the processing of agricultural products resulting in the production of other products for heating, smoking, preserving, maturing, drying, picking, extraction, extrusion or several of these processes as a result of a substantial change in the original nature of the product is the processing of products which must be supported in the project.

The fisheries and aquaculture sector is also not supported and activities related to exports to third countries or Member States.

More information on the draft competition rules.

Konsultācijas var saņemt pie uzņēmējdarbības attīstības speciālistēm telefoniski, e-pastā vai tiekoties personīgi vizītes laiku un vietu iepriekš saskaņojot, Sanitas Vjakses, zvanot pa tālruni 25740422:, vai rakstot e-pastu:; Ingas Zeltiņas-Ušpeles, zvanot pa tālruni 64607177, vai rakstot e-pastu: 

Sanita Vjakse,
Rezekne Municipality Development Specialist

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