Invitations to tender for the award of financing for youth work practices in the summer


For young people

The Ministry of Education and Sport of Rezekne shall announce a tender regarding the granting of financing for youth work practices during the summer period, which will be implemented during the period from 1 June to 31 August 2022. The aim of the competition is to employ young people during the summer period, as well as to promote the development of youth work practices and non-formal education in the municipality of Rezekne.

Young people living in the municipality of Rēzekne Municipality/Vilnius, who end classes 9, 10 or 11 (courses 1 and 2 in vocational schools) in one of the educational institutions in Rezekne municipality or Rezekne, or in any other city (the declared residence of young people must be in Rezekne municipality) are invited to participate in the competition.

Applications are expected in the municipality of Rēzekne municipality county/city administration until 24 May at noon 16.00.

More details IN BY-LAWS

Aivars Mežatuch,
Rezekne municipality youth affairs specialist
Mob: +371 22013477

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