If you get a woman on the way!

If you get a woman on the way, 
For the first snowclock 
Give you a tenderness! 
Spring sun gives you warmth! 
The March wind gives you hope,
Happiness and joy, only good things!

If YOU saw more smiles in women's faces in THE streets OF Kaunatas parish, more joy and warmth, more flowers in their hands, more emotions and unforgettable moments, more compliments and loves in the men's eyes, you know that the time is 8 March – a day devoted to the representation of a beautiful sex, a day when sweet words and women are given the opportunity to feel special, loved and peoted. Traditionally, women are greeted with flowers and good wishes on this day. Our Kaunatas parish associations – Griškānu, Mākoņkalna, Kaunatas, Stoļerovas, Čornajas parish leaders had prepared a festive greeting “if you meet a woman”. In the course of the day, the transport features in the festival design and the parish administration leaders welcomed the women they met. In the framework of the association, over 500 women of the same sex were met and congratulated. My dear women, the spring - behind the window, in the soul and in the heart!

Tamara Kablanova
Photo: Dzintra Gribuste, vija Jershava, Tamara Kablanova, 
Jeanne Anischenko, Skaidrite Beitane

Video: Igors Isupov

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