Youth summer camps and informal training in Rezekne municipality


For young people

Rezekne is led by a young man! Have you already decided which camps or informal training will be present tonight? You must use this opportunity!

This year's camp and non-formal training season will provide informal learning ideas such as the promotion of healthy lifestyles among children and young people, the involvement of young people in active recreational and adventure activities, the involvement of new volleyball enthusiasts, as well as the development of entrepreneurial skills through both formal and informal learning methods. Pick up and get involved! Engage and activate!

In Rezekne, the informal training and camps of young people, which are planned to be implemented in the period from 1 June to 1 November, are seen below. The deadlines for implementation may vary depending on the country-specific constraints.

Summer camps 2021

Project contest results

Aivars Mežatuch,

Rezekne municipality youth affairs specialist

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