How to apply for compensation for the damage of specially protected non-hunting or migratory species?



As the autumn migration starts, many landowners and users are getting up-to-date non-huntable animals, including the damage caused by birds. The Nature Protection Board (DAP) calls on all who determine the damage of specially protected non-huntable species or migratory species in their areas, to apply for compensation of losses caused by them. However, it should be noted that the remuneration is granted only if the necessary safeguards are taken to prevent and reduce losses.
Compensation for damage may be applied for in the crop sector – during the spring and autumn migration season, but not more than once during each season, in the aquaculture sector – not more than once a year, as well as in the livestock or beekeeping sector – the damage caused.
It is important to know that the basic rule for compensation is the implementation of various preventive protective measures to prevent damage. For example, at present, at the time of bird migration, the land operator must provide at least one of the following protection measures in its area of crop rotation: acoustic detergents (sound and noise-generating elements), visual detergents (siluettes, multiculture, luminous elements), repellents, or other measures, in so far as they do not conflict with environmental and environmental protection requirements.
The owner or user of the land or his or her authorised person shall immediately submit to the nature protection administration an application for compensation for the damage caused to crop, aquaculture, livestock farming or beekeeping. The application may be submitted at the offices of the regional administration of the Nature Protection Administration, sent by post, sent electronically by electronic signature signed in accordance with the procedures laid down in regulatory enactments, or through the use of the online forms available in the single and local government service portal
Submission forms can be downloaded at the website of the Nature Protection Administration
THE DAP shall, upon receipt of the application, establish the Commission for the assessment of the damage caused to the sector concerned and invite appropriate experts or representatives of the organisations. For example, the damage caused to crop production is assessed by representatives from DAP, rural support service and the relevant local government. The Commission's work shall be chaired by a representative OF THE DDA.
The procedures for the determination of losses and the receipt of compensation are currently regulated by Cabinet Regulation No. 353 of 7 June 2016, Procedures by which Land Owners or Users shall determine the amount of losses related to significant damage caused by specially protected non-huntable species and migratory species, and the requirements of minimum protection measures for the prevention of damage ". The full text of the rules as well as the samples of applications can be found on the website
The information was prepared by:
Baiba Roga,
Nature Protection pārvaldes
Pierre Regional Administrations
a specialist in the field of natural education,
ob. phone: 28611079
Additional information:
Artis Zelch,
Nature Protection pārvaldes
Strategic Management and Coordination Department
Senior expert of the quality management department of the compensation administration and administrative acts,
mobile phone: 25673400

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