Kultūras un tūrisma pārvalde aicina darbā skaņu operatoru Dricānu, Maltas un Viļānu apvienībās
Rezekne Municipality Authority “Culture and Tourism Administration” (tail. No 40900040015) announces an open invitation to tender for the location of the vacancy operator:
- Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes struktūrvienībās Dricānu apvienībā;
- Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes struktūrvienībās Maltas apvienībā;
- Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes struktūrvienībās Viļānu apvienībā.
The work duties of the operator of the sound operator shall be performed in cultural and tourism administration cultural centres (with the understanding of cultural houses, the People's House or other cultural centre names), which are located in the territory of the abovementioned Rēzekne District Association.
Tiek piedāvāta nepilna darba slodze -0,7.
Requirements for the applicant:
- general secondary or secondary vocational training;
- understanding and configuring digital sound consoles
- understanding and skills for working with light systems;
- ability to organise their work, self-initiative and a high sense of responsibility;
- skills to use the necessary accessories and ancillary equipment, information and communication technologies for the performance of work;
- the desire to improve professional qualifications;
- Category B driving licence.
Candidates until 2023. gada 12. septembra plkst. 9.00 iesniedz Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes pastkastītē pie ieejas (Rēzekne, Atbrīvošanas aleja 95A, LV-4601) vai nosūta pa pastu uz iepriekšminēto adresi, vai nosūta uz e-pastu ktp@rezeknesnovads.lv šādus dokumentus:
- a description of the lifetime (CV);
- letter of motivation;
- the application form;
- copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
- in the case of a law, a document certifying the knowledge of the official language to the extent necessary for the performance of his duties.
A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne www.rezeknesnovads.lv and ON THE NVA website.
Pamatdarba atalgojums bruto (pirms nodokļu nomaksas) nepilnai darba slodzei: 577,50 EUR
Kontaktpersona detalizētākas informācijas saņemšanai – Kultūras un tūrisma pārvaldes personāla speiciāliste Dace Škrjaba, tālr. 28305472, e-pasts dace.skrjaba@rezeknesnovads.lv.