Latgale region has a good basis for sustainable development


Business News

On 6 March, THE “Latvijas Finieris” production site “Verems” held a “Latvian formula 2050” in Rezekne, in collaboration with the Latvian university, AS “Latvijas Finieris”, the Repartmental Coordination Centre, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Rēzekne Technology Academy, the Rēzekne municipality council, and the economic conference “Sustainable Development of Latgale Development: Education, Innovation, Business, digitisation” organised by LATVIAN mobile telephony, in which the leaders of the various sectors analysed the current situation and growth of Latgale region, as well as the prospects and challenges of the future.
In the introduction of the conference with the main objectives of the event, the professor of Latvia's university, the Chairman of the Latvian Formula 2050, Mārcis Auziņš and THE President of Latvia Latvijas Finieris, Uldis Biķis, were presented in detail.
Prior to the first panel discussion, “Latgale business development formula today” presentations were presented by Luminor Bank economist Peter Strautiņš – “now or never”, Latvian Agricultural University rector Irina Pilvere – “bioeconomy – Latgale rural territory to the end of the year”, Chairman of THE Board of VAS “Latvia State Forests”, Roberts Strīpnieks – “the role of the forest sector, challenges and potential” and THE owner of ZS “Kotiņi” Aldis Ločmelis – “Latvian agricultural development trends. ZS“ Kotiņi ”experience”.
Prior to the second panel discussion “the coming months, year challenges and solutions to Latgale economy '', the head of Agriculture Minister Janis Eglīts –“ trends in agricultural and forestry development ”, the president of SIA“ Latvijas Mobilais telefons ”, Professor of Vidzeme High School, Juris Binde –“ digitalisation for Latgale development ”. Innovation Solutions for Digital Transformation, Rector Iveta Mietule of the Rēzekne Technology Academy – 'The challenges of Latgale region and future perspectives from the perspective of young people', Sandra Ejmargin of the Special Economic Zone of Rezekne –“ synergies between education, entrepreneurship, state and local government institutions for the development of Latgale economy ”.
The authors of the presentations pointed to the achievements of the Latgale region in the area of digitisation, the organisation of the business environment, environmental management, environmental protection and the preservation of natural values, which serve as a good basis for further development. At the same time, they also pointed to further initiatives to promote the bioeconomy process, the diversification of tourism business supply, the more efficient use of universities' potential as well as the strengthening of interdisciplinary links between stakeholders.
Following presentations in the following debate, the members of the Latvian Formula 2050 Board, Laimdota Straujuma, “Prudentia” partner Ģirts Rungainis, “SEB Bank” Chairman Ieva Tetere, member of the Board of Latvia “Latvia Formula 2050” Andris Natiņš, as well as a number of other nationally-known experts.
In the debate, Latgale representatives of Latgale Development Agency Director Maris Bozovics, Deputy Chairman of the City Council of Rezekne, President of the Council for Development and Investment of Rezekne Rēzekne SEZ, Aleksejs Stecs, Member of the Rēzekne District Council, Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Economic Development, Staņislavs Šķesters, Director of the State Environmental Service Rēzekne Regional Environment Administration, Erika Ruskule, head of the Rēzekne District Council OF Rezekne, Guntars ants, head of the Rēzekne municipality, participated in the debate. The debate agreed that the main problems which hamper the faster and more efficient growth of the Latgale region – the establishment of a school network according to the needs of the region, the creation of a favourable investment environment, the reduction of unemployment must be addressed immediately at national level.
On the other hand, the head of the Repartmental Coordination Centre Peteris Vilks acknowledged that the challenges mentioned at the conference call for the main priorities of the already approved national development plan. The commentator recalled that the successful implementation of the national development plan also depends on the change of habits and also from the right decision-making not only to do what to do but also to do so.
RTA Public Relations Division
photo: Maris Justs
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