The rural benefit market - this time at Rezekne High School!
Rural cheese, vegetables, meat preparations, spices, clay vases and cups, linen towels and tablecloths, wood business and other good things that have been tapped in the Rēzekne municipality have so far addressed their buyers in the market, which was organised monthly in the municipality of Rezekne, but this time domestic producers and farmers gathered on 7 May at Rezekne High School's premises (in the release alley 115). Traditionally, their buyers were waiting for smoked fish from Nagļu parish, z/s “knee” and “Viļāni” cooperatives and butter and other dairy products, the herbian herbal bread, Valentine Svarinsk herbs, etc. Interesting things as always offered the “Jenishi” ecosystem from THE parish OF Nautrēnu - not only herbal tea and piracy, but also rough linen tarbs.
A number OF Viļānu associations, “support” and “INSPIRATION plus”, had also come to the market with their dealings - handouts, fabric, self-made dolls - while Viļānu of the school's training company “Eco Bubble” offered self-made soap.
This time, the market is not only a trade-in function, but also an informative educational role, because immediately after the market developments, the participants – domestic producers and craftsmen – are offered to participate in the discussion on solutions to the issues that are topical in them, including the potential for more efficient use of available resources, developing cooperation with the association “Rēzekne District Communities Partnership”, a foundation “for the development of rural economy in Rezekne municipality” and with the University of Rezekne, as well as involving RA students in building and promoting the image of the local household and artisanal sector.