LM aicina pieteikties intensīvām apmācībām sociālās uzņēmējdarbības uzsākšanai
The Ministry of Welfare invites any interested party from all Latvia, who has his own social entrepreneurship idea, to apply for free intensive training courses for the commencement and implementation of successful social entrepreneurship. Training will be a unique opportunity to learn both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in a short period of time, in order to establish their social enterprise and to finally turn the idea into reality.
At the beginning of the training, participants will be informed of the nature and legal framework of social entrepreneurship in Latvia, as well as the practical work to assess the relevance of their business ideas to social entrepreneurship. Further knowledge of marketing, communication, company branding and different development models will be provided. A particularly valuable part of the training will be on accounting and taxation, where these issues will be addressed in the light of the specificities of the social enterprise. At the end of the training course, participants will learn about financial management and how to prepare a successful “development finance institution Altum” for the start of social entrepreneurship.
The training will be held for four Saturday consecutive days in Riga, Alberta Street 13, from A total of three training courses will be held at 10:00 to 17:30:
- Course 1: 18.01, 25.01, 1.02, 8.02 (login to 13 January)
- Course 2: 8.02, 15.02, 22.02, 29.02 (login to 3 February)
- Course 3: 29.02, 7.03, 14.03, 21.03 (login to 24 February)
Dalība apmācībās ir bez maksas, taču vietu skaits ir ierobežots. Lai kļūtu par apmācību dalībnieku kādā no trim kursiem, līdz norādītajam pieteikšanās datumam jāaizpilda elektroniska pieteikuma anketa: http://ejuz.lv/suapmacibas, kas pieejama Labklājības ministrijas sociālā tīkla Facebook lapā https://www.facebook.com/labklajibasministrija/, sadaļā “Pasākumi”, kā arī Latvijas Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības asociācijas mājas lapā www.sua.lv, sadaļā “Jaunumi”. Visi apmācību kursu dalībnieki saņems elektronisku apstiprinājuma ziņu savā e-pastā nākamajā dienā pēc attiecīgā pieteikšanās termiņa. Papildu informācija: Līga Ivanova, liga@sua.lv, 26464686.
At the same time, the Ministry of Welfare informs that in spring, natural persons without prior experience in entrepreneurship will be invited to participate in the social entrepreneurship idea competition. More information will follow.