Training for adults throughout Latvia may be applied until 28 June
The European Union (EU) fund for the training of the “professional competence of employed persons” of the adult education project may be applied for this week by every worker and self-employed person aged 25 years, by filling in the application online by 28 June. More than 12 thousand applications have been received so far.
Most Requested ICT Sector Learning
In this round of login, more than 800 educational programmes are available in 12 economic sectors and 8 lifelong learning competencies. There are various content and length curricula available in the training range available to 82 educational institutions throughout Latvia.
So far 12 325 training applications have been received from 7832 people. The information and communication technologies sector training - data analysis and reporting, digital marketing and project management with Agile, Scrum, Lean or kanban are among the most requested applications. A popular ABC program is also popular, one of the competencies of lifelong learning and the news of this round.
For employed, self-employed and young parents
More than 17 000 workers have been engaged in training so far, of which more than 14 000 have already been completed. The artist-designer Anita Ozolina, who is a self-employed illustration of the textbooks, has also developed his professional competence through training. “Not only did I learn the maetting program Illustrator CC, but i also learned what the current trends were in design. Finally, the course, i can complete the book completely from start to finish, and i no longer need to attract other specialists - masters, 'the advantages and competencies in their sector are characterised by Anita.
The training may be applied to employed and self-employed persons aged 25 years to less than an unlimited age, including young parents on parental leave, while maintaining employment relationships or working pensioners. Anyone can learn one time during this project.
90% from school fees is covered BY EU funds and the state, while the citizens must provide a CO-payment OF 10%, which can also be paid by the employer. Low-income and poor training is free of charge. In non-formal education programmes, which are the most popular and most popular in the project, the amount of co-payment is an average of 36 euros, while in longer education programmes where the profession can be acquired, it may also be several hundred euros.
Fast and convenient online login
The application takes place until midnight on 28 June, submitting an online application for training Any interested party shall have the opportunity to receive an adult education coordinator's advice or to apply for training at one of the project liaison authorities before applying for admission. On the other hand, 28 employees of the State Agency of Employment may receive a career advice.
More information on reception conditions, learning and support options, as well as the list of all mācību is published on the project website
The aim of THE EU Foundation for the Adult Education of Employees is to improve the professional competence of employed persons in order to prevent labour market mismatches in labour market demand and to promote both the competitiveness of workers and the increase in labour productivity. The project is financed by the European Social Fund and the Latvian state, investing more than 25 million euros in it.