Home cafe days at Bērzgales



For the second year, a number of home cafes are held throughout Latvia, when visitors are invited to enjoy their culinary offer, explore traditions, culture and the local community through food.

This year Berzgale is also hosting home cafes. The “Bērzgales maniža” cafe is waiting for every visitor to taste the prepared respect. For Bērzgales manor delicts will be the “morning” of the parked canteen and the “rural flavour” of the I/K. On the other hand, the gardeners of cultural history will have the opportunity to walk the park with the manor ladies and find out the most interesting stories about the life of the manor. “Azarpuče” and “carameles” will take care of the musical mood, offering big-format games to the most gambling visitors.

In order for the cafe to operate successfully, THE management unit OF THE Nautrēnu association Bērzgales parish administration will take care of it.

The cafe will run on 23 July from 15.00 - 20.00.

Log-in: 29497151, 26185204

e-himself: skaidrite.apeinane@rezeknesnovads.lv , daila.ekimene@berzgale.lv

You'll be in love WITH Bērzgales in a manor!


Skaidrite Apeinne,
Anton Rupaja museum manager



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