Maltas Board of association calls for a technical specialist in Luznava


Local government

Maltas apvienības pārvalde (reģ. Nr. 40900027426, adrese: Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, LV-4630) izsludina atklātu konkursu uz vakanto Maltas apvienības pārvaldes tehniskā speciālista Lūznavā amatu.

Requirements for the applicant:

  • Secondary vocational or higher education in engineering, technical service;
  • Appropriate work experience of civil engineering, including economic activities, is desirable for the post;
  • Ability to obtain information independently, to address technical issues and to organise the execution of work;
  • The ability to compile estimates of repairs, tasks and specifications;
  • Excellent knowledge of the national language;
  • Good computer skills (MS Word, Excel)
  • The initiative, the ability to identify the problem and propose options for resolving it;
  • Category B driving licence

Duties of the office:

  • Know and coordinate technical supervision issues of the architectural monument of national significance, in order to ensure the preservation of historical values.
  • Ensure the management and operation of the building.
  • Ensure the proper operation and operation of the engineering communications (heating, water supply, sewerage, ventilation and air conditioning, power supply, automatic fire-fighting, signalling, telecommunications, etc.), knowledge of their structure, principles of principal activities and regimes.
  • Ensure the quality operation, service and operation of installations installed in the building in accordance with instructions and safety regulations.
  • Plan and implement repair and repair of the building, repair and replacement of equipment.
  • Participate in the technical service of the activities organised in the building, to carry out the preparation of premises and equipment for the qualitative progress of the activities in accordance with the specificity of the measure.
  • Plan and, in coordination with the direct manager, carry out the acquisition of material and other resources for the operation of the building.
  • Prepare and submit to the direct manager the reports, analyses and plans of the building maintenance works.
  • Cooperate with suppliers, outsourcing services in the technical field;
  • Develop and maintain updated technical documentation.

Pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā 770,00 EUR

Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes – atbilstoši novērtējumam.

The applicant must submit:

  • description of the professional activity (CV);
  • letter of motivation.

Dokumenti ar norādi “Konkursam uz Maltas apvienības pārvaldes vakanci “tehniskais speciālists Lūznavā”” līdz 2024. gada 15. jūlijam uz e-pastu vai aizlīmētā aploksnē līdz 2024. gada 15. jūlijam jāiesniedz personīgi iestādē "Maltas apvienības pārvalde", lietvedei Pils iela 6, Lūznava, Lūznavas pag., Rēzeknes novads.

Papildu informācija pa tālr 64607421, lietvede Ina Tuče, Lūznavas pag.

The competition is organised in two stages.
In the first round, the Commission shall assess the applicants' applications and the documents submitted.
Uz otro kārtu – darba  intervijas ar pirmajā kārtā atlasītajiem.

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