Maltas apvienības pārvalde aicina darbā Vecāko pavāru Feimaņu pamatskolā


Parish news

Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāde “Maltas apvienības pārvalde” aicina darbā Vecāko pavāru Feimaņu pamatskolā uz pilnu slodzi (1 likme) uz nenoteiktu laiku.

Opponents shall comply with the following requirements:

  • basic or secondary vocational training;
  • preference of previous experience in a similar capacity;
  • computer skills – using e-mail, using electronic accounting systems, using office technique;
  • good communication and cooperation skills;
  • sense of responsibility and accuracy;
  • the ability to take decisions and demonstrate the initiative;
  • national language skill.

A tender by-law can be found on the website of the municipality of Rezekne and ON THE NVA website.

Pamatdarba atalgojums pārbaudes laikā 620,00 EUR (pirms nodokļu nomaksas).
Pamatdarba atalgojums pēc pārbaudes laika 630,00 EUR (pirms nodokļu nomaksas).

Applicants until 2023. gada 17. augustam at 14.00 jānosūta uz e-pastu vai iesniedz personīgi iestādē “Maltas apvienības pārvalde”, lietvedei 3. kab., Brīvības iela 6, Malta, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, pieteikumu aizlīmētā aploksnē ar norādi “Junior cook Feimaņu in elementary school” for “COMPETITION to Rēzekne municipality” and containing the following documents:

  • description of the professional activity (CV);
  • letter of motivation;
  • copies of documents certifying education and work experience;
  • the application form.

Contact person for more detailed information - Head of the “Maltas association management” of the municipality of Rezekne Edgars Blinovs, tel. 27870687 e-mail

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