“Mosenom” successfully spent the first tournaments of that year



With great satisfaction and positive emotions, the first women's basketball tournaments that participated in the women's basketball team of Rezekne. One tournament took place in a neighbouring country in Belarus, Polocka, which was organised on 4-5 March on honour for international women's day.

4 teams participated in the tournament: Polocka (Belarus), Pskov (Russia), Brest (Belarus) and Rezekne municipality (Latvia). All teams were equivalent in terms of strength, so the games were very intense and visible.

The Latvian team had to meet with the Polocka team at once in the first game. Although at first, the first 2 quarters of the two teams played equally, even though the Latvian team was under direction, however, Polocka's team found the forces to win this time with a score of 70: 47. With Pskov's team, the game was quite intense, but Latvia won 83: 48. Consequently, on the first day, the games had concluded one win and one loss.

On the second day, Rēzekne's team met with Brest team and won a win with a score of 71: 62.

In the competition of four teams, the Rēzekne District team won the prize 2 nd place.

The second tournament, where the Rēzekne county team was invited to be a championship of the Alūksne District, where the team starts for a second year and 3 teams compete in gold.

The sporting spirit of fighting, a great deal of affection for basketball as a sport and the desire to actively develop and prevent an amateur women's basketball in Latgale, Rēzekne District, is the one who directs the “Moseņis” team and motivates to continue by attracting new players. This is also possible thanks to the Municipality of Rezekne and Igor Derjagin, who always supports, as well as Arnitai Poih, on the support of the various organisational issues. Also, thanks to all the women in Rēzekne's women's basketball team, “Moseņis”, that you are: Ilze Kalniņa, Christine bag, Editte Corklisha, Elina Zuyne, Arnita Poisha, League Ludborja, Diana Corklish, Iluta Purne, Ginta Pavlova, Daina potash, Karin Vasilyeva, Linda Rundane, Elise Poisha, Ingona Rubule, Martha Nalivaiko, Christian Urtan, Inga Cpva, Ilona Vasilkova, and coach Igor Fiodorov.

The information was prepared by Christine.

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