The European Youth Week will be marked next week


EU news

From 24 to 30 May, 17 countries participating in the European Union Erasmus + programme, including Latvia, will be marked “European Youth Week” (e2021). A wide range of activities and activities as online, a youth international programme agency (JSPA) and a European youth information network will be offered to young people. Eurodesk In Latvia. This year's subject: “our future is in our hands” will pay particular attention to the active participation, inclusion and diversity of young people, health and mental health, nature protection and sustainability.

Online discussion “our future in our hands”

24 May, at 10:30, the European Youth Week will be opened with a debate on “our future in our hands”, which will be available online JSPA Facebook page and The discussion will involve four young people who will discuss their involvement in activities involving participation in democratic life, health and mental health, inclusion and diversity and climate change and environmental sustainability:

  • Nathalie Knipse – civil and political engagement activists of young people since 2015, currently the UN Youth Delegate and Masters Student AT LU Legal Faculty.
  • Diana Ponaskova – Public relations specialist, disability activist, singer and active four-wheel rider, who are active in cultural, NGOs and social entrepreneurship, by targeting the barriers between society and people with disabilities in a targeted manner.
  • Edgars Feshchenko (Edgar FRESH) – Internet content builder, a passionate urban environment and climate activist who talks about both conscious consumption and healthy lifestyles and money earning and technologies.
  • Via Nazer - author of the “Latvian Red Cross Youth” volunteer and the head of the Riga Division, the mental health project “ELP [A]”. Building campaigns and activities on the mental and physical health of young people as well as healthy lifestyles. 2 nd course medical student.

Young people will share their experiences on what motivates them to work with certain challenges, how to motivate others to be involved, and what support is needed for young people to be more active and willing to join a society that is topical.

The discussion will be chaired by an improviser Wilhelm Carlson.

Interactive LOOP game for young people

Similarly, from 25 to 30 May, JSPA invites every young person to participate in online LOOP game and going on his own route in Latvia and around the world, while responding to questions about Europe and performing various tasks. Participation in the game is free, all registered participants will participate in the lottery for special prizes.

On the opening day of the game, on May 25, at 15:00, Facebook Event on “our future in our hands” special access codes will be announced to help you select games in THE free app LOQUIZ (App Store, Google Play). When you start a loop, that is, when you start a movement, the game will match questions or tasks every 100-200 m. Every four questions/tasks will form a one-question loop, but the correct answers will help you respond to a loop, the fifth question. In preparation for the game, the participants are invited to figure out what route they want to go – to celebrate their native city, to go into the forest, to the sea, or to loose in their room. Similarly, participants can choose the most suitable way to loop – go, run, ride a bicycle or dance. The game can be played by one player or team from anywhere in Latvia and the world. The total length of the distance for all participants in the game, regardless of the route and type of rotation selected, is 6 km.

In view of the situation in the country and the world, the participants of the game are invited to pick up the responsible and the breeding route in such a way as to comply with the epidemiological security measures established in the country. On the road, road traffic regulations are mandatory. More about the game, its rules, the smart devices and apps you need can learn games Facebook Event page. There on 30 May at At 19:00, the results will also be collected, allowing participants to look at the experience and participate in a valuable prize.

The game is implemented BY JSPA and the European Youth Information Network Eurodesk in cooperation with the active tourism centre “eji”.

Eurodesk events in Latvian cities

Using the benefits of smart devices, the European Information Network Eurodesk organisations in several cities of Latvia will organise events both online and in urban environment, while young people with reduced opportunities[1] events in small groups and in keeping with the national Covid-19 restrictions will also be present in the face-to-face.

Tukums drain The “multifiable youth initiative centre” will invite local young people to go to Tukums for 11 youth goals from 24 May to 6 June. In a walk with the help of a smart-device app, young people will not only be aware of interesting Tukums, but will find a view of European youth objectives and their links with the everyday lives of young people.

Alūksne The children and youth centre from 24-28 May in the free nature of pupils will organise an interactive game “our future in our hands” in the territory of their school.

Sowing in the municipality, Jurmala and Kekava municipality from 25 May to 1 June, young people will be given the opportunity to participate in the orientation events “You're active in the novadā!” and “be green in Kekava District!”, with the help of smart devices performing tasks on participation, emotional health and a green lifestyle. The activities will be organised by the “Creative Minds for Culture” association with the Kekava municipality and the Jūrmala youth initiative centre.

But Alūksne, Sigulda, Limbaži, Rujienas, Aizkraukles and Gulbenes on 26 May, young people will participate online in the “basics” of the youth centre “base” in the “EU membership” game.

Several activities are also intended Riga. On 27 May, by approaching the time of exams, sessions at universities and the time of the choice of further plans, “Latvia's red cross Youth” will invite young people to an informative vein on panic, anxiety and mental health “as“ not panicking ”in front of the choices?”, while “Baltic Regional Fund” and the organisation “3D Friends” for young people with reduced opportunities through non-formal education and theatre art methods will discuss the objectives of the European youth and THE opportunities of THE Eu Erasmus + programme. On 28 May, young people in Riga Lithuanian secondary school in cooperation with the Baltic Regional Fund will organise a debate “young people are debating climate!” where pupils will discuss climate change, conscious of their impact on climate change. On May 29, another event organised by the Baltic Regional Fund will be held, where local and international volunteers will be prepared for young people with reduced opportunities. The themes of tasks will cover youth opportunities in Europe, inclusion and diversity, environmental sustainability, active participation and digital transformation.

Liepaja on 28 May, the association “Development Platform YOU +” invites an online meeting with young people who are currently abroad to discuss their lives in other places and youth opportunities in the wider world.

European Youth Week on 3 June Gulbenes municipality online youth conversation about a green and sustainable lifestyle.

With detailed information about the events and login, you can see On the European Youth Week website.

For Eurodesk

Eurodesk is a European youth information network created in 1990. In Latvia Eurodesk operating since 2003. Eurodesk acts as a support organisation for Erasmus +, providing comprehensive information on mobility opportunities for young people and those working with young people. 38 Eurodesk national coordinators are active in 36 countries, coordinating more than 1600 local Eurodesk information points. There are 6 regional coordinators and 24 information points in Latvia who are working with young people in their regions and provide information support to the potential and existing project promoters of the European Union's Erasmus + programme.

On the youth international programme agency

JSPA has been active since 1999. It is a direct administration institution under the authority of the Minister for Education and Science, which aims to promote youth activity and mobility, participation in youth volunteering, non-formal education and youth information programmes and projects and promote non-formal education of young people in the context of lifelong learning. THE JSPA administers various international and national programmes “Erasmus +”, “European Solidarity Corps”, the European Commission's information network for young people “Eurodesk”, “eTwinning”, the Ministry of Education and Science “youth policy national programme”, the youth guarantee project “and DO!”.

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