More than 1000 events will “move” Latvian residents next week
The annual Health Week or MOVE Week will take place in 38 European countries, including Latvia, from 29 September to 5 October. Latvia participates in this campaign for a third year, the number of participants with each year growing, reaching 35 000 people this year. The aim of the project is to promote healthy lifestyles and to involve as many people as possible in physical activity. Health Week activities will also take place in Rezekne District, Lūznavas parish.
September 29: Novus (at 17:00, in the sports hall)
30 September: hosting, 5 km (at 18:00, Lūznavas Park)
1 October: orientation (at 16:00, start at a sports hall)
October 2: Fun startup for young people 12-18 g.v. 17:00, in the sports hall)
October 3: angling (at 6:00, pond at Madonna's statue)
October 4: Thursball (at 11:00, sports hall)
October 5: Wellomar Lūznava-Vertuk-Lūznava (at 11:00, start at a sports hall)
There will be more than 1000 different free events and activities in Latvia during the health week, inviting all residents to participate regardless of age and sporting preparedness. Event organisers will offer physical activities throughout the week, such as running, hosting, hiking, cycling, jumping with jump, etc. All events can be found on the website, or in local homes.
This measure is a great opportunity to encourage citizens to be physically active because, as it is known, regular physical activity is the cheapest and most effective way to prevent different diseases and to keep themselves in good physical form.
Last year, more than 50 Latvian municipalities, sports clubs, schools and other organisations participated in the health week. A total of 25,000 people of different age participated in the Move Week campaign in 2013, while 500 000 people participated in sports events throughout the world.
MOVE Week is organised for a third year by the International Association for Sports and Culture (ISCA) in cooperation with the European Cypriot Federation and the European People's Sports (Sports All) National Organisations. Latvian National Sports Association (LTSA) is co-ordinated in Latvia, it is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Latvian sports Federation Council, the LDz Rolling Stock Service, Coca Cola.
For 100 million more Europeans by 2020, this is the vision of the largest People's Sports Campaign in Europe.
Additional information:
Svetlana Mikanova
Lūznavas parish administration sports organizer
t. 26447713
Aiga Evertovska
Latvian People's sporta asociācijas
project Manager
t. 26382838; 29412801