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The project “spark - step to peak” (“Step2Peak, Activate & Respond2Kids”) financed by the Comenius Regio programme of the municipality of Rēzekne and the municipality of Sisakas (Croatia) is closed. The project ran from 1 August 2011 to 31 July 2013. Both municipalities agreed on how to work with talented children and how to promote talent development, so it was decided to apply for the Comenius Regio programme. The project was also operated by the Primary School of Verham, Maltas 1 st High School and the Rezekne High School, as well as schools from Croatia.
Project co-ordinator Inta Rimšāne said that experience sharing visits, seminars, activities and consultancy for the staff and parents of educational institutions were organised within the framework of the project. In October 2011 and April 2012, Croatian education staff visited the Rēzekne District and met our teacher's work with talented children, while Rezekne's counsellors, in December 2012 and in April 2013, went on an experience exchange trip to Croatia.
Elita Opincane, a local council of the municipality of Rezekne, said that seminars were organized within the framework of the project for parents, during which they learned about the signs of children's gifts, the theory of the versatile intellect, the children's development indicators and the problems faced by both the parents of the gifted children and the children themselves. There was also a “talent show: we get to our house!”, the camp “my summer discovery” and the creative workshops.
Brochures and methodological materials for work with gifted and talented children were created during the project.
Details of the project can be found in http://rezeknesnovads.lv/category/projekti/spark/ Prepared: Maria Bule