Closing stock “running green in Rēzekne municipality – 2022!”



From April 11 to April 30, 2022, the people of Rezekne, together with their friends, members of the class, were invited to participate in the environmental promotion. "Running green in Rēzekne District ''. The members of the stock tested for the third year in turn plogging - environmentally friendly running with waste collection during running.  It is a positive and people-to-people activity, during which the environment is shared with similarly-minded. 

The share was generally gathering 60 participants - children, young people, adults from six parish (Kaunatas parish, Dricānu parish, Čornajas parish, Mākoņkalna parish, Maltas parish and Viļānu parish). Joint forces managed to collect 56 waste bags, run/go more than 68 km and clean the forests of Rezekne, meadows, trails, parks, lakes and river banks, as well as road borders from various types of waste – glass, plastic bottles, household articles, polyethylene bags, old toys and various packaging.

It is a pleasure that people are not indifferent to the environmental pollution problem that they care for the order in their native parish. But at the same time it is sad that so many people, with a slight hand, discard what they do not need and keep their conscience alive. Because the environment is already the ones who do not abandon anything, but they know that nature is not at all guilty. We all have to take responsibility for our environmental impact, to teach them to do so.

All the participants in the campaign took part in the amazing prize. The Awards of the municipality of Rezekne shall receive the prizes of the educational and sports administration of Latvia Maltas secondary schools 10.2 students and educator Inese Bundere, JC “Horizontal” from Čornajas parish and Dricānu civil parish JC, Kukuji '' young people. “green gifts” from SIA “ALAAS” will receive Solvita and Madara Meadichenko (Kaunatas civil parish), Broilet family (Čornaja civil parish) and Jekaterina and Mikhail Itkachi (Mākoņkalna civil parish).

Prize for creative photographythat reflect the slogan “green green world!” receive Tamara Kablanova and Alice Brokane.

Thank you very much for your responsiveness! Let us take care of the environment every day, let us live green and environmentally friendly, call on our fellow people to do so.


Editte Chepule, SIA “ALAAS '”, public relations specialist in the field of environmental communication
Aivars Mežatučs, Rēzekne municipality youth affairs specialist

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