Supply of food products to the needs of the children's house
Purchase identification number - TBN 2013/1
Deadline for submission of tenders - 19 November 2013 at 14.30
Name and address of the commissioning party - Rēzekne District Municipalities Those Children's House, Lake Street 23, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
Subject-matter of procurement — Supply of food products to the needs of the children's house
Place of submission of tenders - Rēzekne municipality Tiskad Nurnu nams, lake Street 23, Vecružina, Silmalas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4636
Contact - Žanis Feldmanis, tel. 64646126, e-mail:
Procurement by-laws