Emergency meeting of the municipality of Rezekne (09.05.2019)

Publicēts: 09.05.2019

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda:

1. On the renewal of the project “Dricānu cultural house floor cover and the modernisation of stage”

2. On the support of the project “1 TP7T cultural house stage lighting”

3. On the support of the “new parent and children's club” project

4. On the support of the “flooring OF the project IN Stružānu parish sports hall”

5. On the support of the project “Purchase of Concert suits Stružānu and Dricānu parish cultural house for women's choir“ Townadze ”

6. On the support of the “warm sandroom” in Ilzeskalns

7. On the support of the project “Kaunatas eworking area lighting”

8. On the project “will preserve and promote Razna Lakes” support

9. On support FOR the co-financing of the “DYNAMICS PLUS” project of the YOUTH society “DYNAMICS PLUS” of Stružānu parish society.

10. On the support of the project “Tourism and Natural Intelligence Infrastructure in Razna National Park 5”

11. On the support of the administrative building of the administrative building of the administrative building “Lendžu parish administration” of the project “Nautrēnu parish unit”

12. On the award of co-financing in the framework of the project “Purchase of People's Scoats Nagļu parish for the People's Dance Collection“ Pipareņš ”

13. On the support of the project “Purchase OF equipment FOR the provision OF cultural activities OF THE Kaunatas People's House”

14. On the participation of the municipality of Rezekne in the project “Purchase of the dance collective“ RAZNA ”People's suits and footwear”

15. On the participation of the municipality of Rezekne in the project “Installation of the sensation room with relaxation and stimulation feelings for the children of Rezekne municipality”

16. On the award of co-financing in the framework of the project “acquisition of sound equipment” within the framework of THE activities of the artistic self-activity collective activity of parish Audriņu

17. On support of the project “cultural history and natural heritage - Razna National Park and THE national cultural protection monument Lūznavas manor and parks, improvement and improvement of accessibility”

18. On the support of the project “dance collective“ Lūznava ”

19. On the support of the project “Young Style Collection for Creative Activities of Cadian Dance Groups”

20. On the support of the “Maltas parish association” project “Space of social support and self-service skills IN Ozolaines People's House”

21. On the purchase and installation of the project “stage curtains FOR Feimaņu cultural house”

22. On the support of the project “Feimaņu parish dance collections”

23. On the support of the institution “Maltas parish association” project “Restoration of the pond and the improvement of the territory IN Pušas village”

24. On the support of the “Maltas parish association” project “Establishment of an outdoor dance gap at Maltas cultural house”

25. On the support of the “Rogovkins” project “to sound good”

26. On the support of the project “equal opportunities for all”

27. On the support of the “culture of centuries” project

28. On support for the project “Nautrēnu parish Halles”

29. On the support of the project “dance with joy”

30. On the allocation of the paid annual leave to the Chairperson of the municipality of Rezekne

31. On the support of the project “Infrastructure for the accessibility of services for people with disabilities”

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