Rēzekne District Council meeting (01.06.2017)

Publicēts: 29.05.2017

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020


1. On the approval of the 2016 public report of the municipality of Rezekne

2. Amending Regulation No 13 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 4 September 2014 “Procedures by which the theoretical and practical training of category“ B ”drivers is organised in the secondary schools of Rezekne and the acquisition of driving licences”

3. On the development of a local geodetic network in the territory of Rezekne District

4. On the amendment of the decision of the Council of the Rēzekne Municipality of 18 May 2017 on the approval of routes and flights of parish administrations for the 2017 municipal elections in paragraph 13

5. Approval of the results of the study workshop (builders), Lūznavas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, premises of the premises of THE immovable property (builders), Lūznavas parish, Rezekne municipality

6. The “name” OF the property “name” Sakstagala for the disposal of parish A. D.

7. On the approval of rental fees for large mask gowns

8. On the reduction OF remuneration A.I. on land owned BY the property IN the parish OF Silmalas

9. On termination of land use rights J. T. to the land unit with cadastre designation (…) and the conclusion of a land lease agreement IN THE parish OF Silmalas

10. On change of property composition in cadastre information system data IN Ozolaines civil parish

11. On the transfer of hunting rights to R. R. Nagļu civil parish

12. On the termination of the land lease contract No 81 of 1 January 2009 with L. Š. Silmalas civil parish

13. On the correction of the clerical error in the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 7 March 2013 “on the termination of the land lease contract of 15 June 2009 No 104 with K.L. Audriņu parish”

14. Regarding the consent of the local government to transfer the land unit with cadastre designation (…) and the land unit with cadastre designation (…) and the extension of the period of 31 August 2009 for the extension of the land lease contract No. 11 with S. G.

15. On the conclusion of a rental contract with A. C. Lūznavas civil parish

16. On the reversal of the rental contract of the residential space

17. On renting of social housing IN L.R. Stružānu civil parish

18. On the renewal of a social housing lease

19. On the participation of the municipality of Rezekne in the project “Improving the municipal road infrastructure in Rezekne municipality, 1 st round”

20. On the takeover of the “Environmental Adjustment” project of the “Razna National Park Society” project “Environmental Adjustment OF Mākoņkalna park building”

21. Approval of the “Social Inclusion of elderly People” (social inclusion of the old people)

22. On the submission and apstiprināšanu of the project 'REACH-TOUCH-FEEL' (to achieve - shock)

23. On the approval of the application for “Transformations from Slum to Chic” (transform from slums to chick)

24. On the approval of the pieteikuma of the project “eradicate H.Sosnowskyi” (destroy Latvians)

25. On the approval of the application for “sport for social Inclusion of at-risk teenagers” (sport as a risk group teenager)

26. Regarding amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 2 October 2014 “on the termination OF land use rights A.K. on land unit with cadastre designation (…) Pušas parish

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